This component used to generate Prometheus rules for scaling docker services since MiCADO 0.3.1.
The generator can be configured through environment variables and uses docker volumes.
CONTAINER_SCALING_FILE: /var/lib/micado/alert-generator/scaling_policy.yaml Set the path of the scaling_policy.yaml file inside the container.
ALERTS_FILE_PATH: /etc/prometheus/ Set the path of the Prometheus rules inside the container.
AUTO_GENERATE_ALERT: 'True' Auto generate rules to every docker service which non defined in the scaling_policy file. (True/False)
DEFAULT_SCALEUP: 90 The scale up parameter for the auto generated rules if AUTO_GENERATE_ALERT is True.
DEFAULT_SCALEDOWN: 10 The scale down parameter for the auto generated rules if AUTO_GENERATE_ALERT is True.
PROMETHEUS: localhost The address of Prometheus.
The generator needs the following volumes:
/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock The host docker socket for list docker services.
/etc/prometheus/:/etc/prometheus/ For the generated Prometheus rules.
/var/lib/micado/alert-generator/:/var/lib/micado/alert-generator/ For the input scaling policy file.