Welcome to the 100 Dora Metrics Case Studies of God Level Repositories Using Middleware Open Source repository! 🎉
This repository will serve as a resource hub where each case study is linked, providing a deep understanding of each repo's strong points, their challenges and actionable insights to help engineering teams of all sizes improve their development practices.
Whether you’re leading a team, writing code, or just curious about what makes successful open source projects tick, this journey will showcase real-world lessons on how we can drive smarter, faster, and better engineering.
Each link below will take you directly to a detailed analysis hosted on our website.
We are using Middleware Open Source to build an analysis of each repository. This simply means that if you are curious you can invest a few minutes to set things up locally and dive into any repository yourself as well!
Below is the list of published case studies.
Ruby Repository's Lightning-Fast Merges: Analyzing how the Ruby repository maintains rapid merge speeds amidst high contribution volumes.
React Repository's Struggles: A deeper look into this huge repo that ships fast but struggles with slow bug fixes.
freeCodeCamp Repository's Quality vs Speed Battle: Rapid development workflow but what about the rework time slowdowns?
Vue.js Repository's No Review Merges!: The most interesting thing would definitely be automation to the point that 88 out of 99 merges in 3 months happened without a formal review!
Swiftlang/Swift Repository: Not as swift as we initially thought, but does that really matter?
React Native: There seems to be a speed breaker for the merge time!
JuliaLang Repo: The JuliaLang/Julia repository is rocking a consistently high deployment frequency.
Carbon: Let's look into what fuels their rapid deployments engine!
OpenVINO: Seems like there might be cracks beneath the surface here!
FreeCAD: Super-fast merge times, solid PR management, but a need to fine-tune that Cycle Time.
Nextjs: Could their Cycle Time be hiding a bigger mess than we thought, or is it just a minor hiccup?
OpenStreetMap: Impressive first response time, good but not great deployment frequency, auomation and more!
Bootstrap: Not the most widely used one these days but definitely not forgotten! A more than 3x improvement in lead times from June to August 2024, interesting case study.
Hugging Face: One of the most prominent names in Artificial Intelligence on the planet right now!
Flutter: We've all played around with it, but under the hood things don't flutter around as much.
Typescript: Almost 800 contributors, making frontend easy, but how about the health of the project as a whole? We have a deep case study for you.
Node.js: Fast deployments but slower merge times
Electron: A repo filled with unpredictability
Kubernetes: An Efficient Engineering Pipeline with thorough documentation & thriving community
Jenkins: CI/CD Leader With High Deployments, Slower Cycle Time
We welcome contributions! If you have suggestions or want to contribute to enhance these case studies, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.
If you have questions, suggestions, or want to collaborate, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or connect with us on LinkedIn.
Stay tuned as we continue this journey of exploring top repositories and learning about what makes them God Level one case study at a time!🎉