A basic C++ template library
For usage, all that's needed is the include/mtl directory
I use this as a playground for C++ and development environments.
mtl::WrappedVar<int> wrapped_int{3};
auto var_with_lock = wrapped_int.get();
ASSERT_EQ(var_with_lock.get_ref(), 3);
const auto arr = mtl::DynArray<int>({0, 1, 2, 3});
auto new_arr = arr.copy();
Useful for when you want the semantics of a std::unique_ptr
but without the heap allocation
mtl::MoveOnly<std::string> myString{"hello"};
ASSERT_EQ(*myString, "hello");
bazel test //...
bazel run -c opt //benchmark:array
bazel run @hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_all
- Build/test with sanitizers enabled
- Allow for move-only types
- impl rough minimal variant
- Find a way to make it easier to return mtl::Error as an mtl::Err
- memoization wrapper that caches results of a function
- algorithmic helpers
- for each
- map
- reduce
- fold
- add parallelization option
- similar tounique_ptr
- make
(similar tostd::optional
) - has the same issues as
although less numerous - used union and tagging, may not be sufficient
- this wont handle reference types
- reading:
- optional impl
- should i avoid dynamic memory allocation or no? I lean towards avoiding it
- std::aligned_storage or std::aligned_union
- optional impl
- started on this
- helper like
that handles the size template parameter - std::array doens't actually have a constructor, it's implicitly declared
- can i do this? Not really, a std::array's size cannot change and is embedded in its type
- finish up
- impl using a mtl::OwningPtr
- deal with segfault in
- CTest lists out the test segfault
- Allow for copy construction
- done with
- done with
- start
- Look in here for something to impl
- probably non-cryptographic hash functions
- gonna use jenkins's one_at_a_time function
- read into https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/guides/container#hash-tables
- impl other hashes and test em
- start
- Should i merge ConstIterator and Iterator?
- should be interchangeable with std iterators
- impl with newer concepts https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/random_access_iterator
- start
- B-tree or Red-Black map
- start
- start
- start
- start
- acyclic
- directed acyclic
- cyclic
- utf8 text
- it may be easiest to start with ASCII
- ConstantString
- user defined literal
but null-termintaes
- cmake setup
- test mtl algorithm against std algorithms to ensure it isn't worse
- add third party libraries for comparison