Prints out the soil moisture percentage and amount of light (lux) to an e-ink display
Arduino Nano 33 IoT (SAMD, Arm-based)
FDQN: arduino:samd:nano_33_iot
Arduino pinout available here
YL-69 soil moisture sensor to check plant health
Connect with D6 and A6
Quick Arduino write-up here
Connect with I2C
BH1750 product page
Asafruit pinout guide
Arduino C++ Library: hp_BH1750
Connect with SPI
eInk display product page
Pinout guide here
Arduino C++ Library: Adafruit EPD
WifiNina library here
Time library here
- Use WifiNINA to talk to the interwebs
- Tweet at myself when the plant is dry
- Refer to twitter-conduit examples on how to use it. Just send test data
- Use either protobuf or something simple to communicate between arduino and Pi/Haskell
- nanopb might be useful for arduino if using protobuf
- json would be best, or maybe some hard-coded format that i can make without a dependency
- Write out date and time in EST
Haskell program that forwarder plantmon statuses to twitter using twitter-conduit