My personal website running on WordPress.
This is a totally custom project using a modified version of the Mark Jaquith's WordPress Skeleton. I used its folder structure and I added some modifications for my needs.
This project is open source because I would like to show how I work with WordPress. It is completely tailored for my needs so I don't think it will be useful for anyone. I you want to fork it and use it in your own WordPress site, it would be nice if you modified it enough so that it doesn't look like the same website.
This project has two main branches right now. In the branch named develop I have all the development stuff like preprocessor styles or uncompressed javascript. On the other hand master has all the production ready files so the content in each branch is different. I used Stylus for preprocessing CSS styles, jQuery for some of the javascript used but I will transition to a complete vanilla javascript codebase at some point.