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The Dancebots Editor allows creating choreographies for Dancebots, which are small and inexpensive differential drive robots that can move and blink their eight LEDs. They are designed to be built from scratch by children, see here for more information.

The editor works as follows:

  1. The user can load an MP3 into the editor. The backend will decode the MP3 and extract the music beat locations from the audio.
  2. Next, the user can create a choreography by configuring and placing motion and LED primitives on the music timeline. Since the primitives use the extracted beats as their time unit, it is straightforward to create beat-synchronized choreographies.
  3. When done with editing, the user saves the music and choreography to an MP3 file. In the left channel, the software re-encodes the music data (R+L channel are mixed when decoding); in the right channel, the software writes a signal that encodes the motion and LED commands for the robot to parse, see here for more info.
  4. In addition to the music and choreography signal, the software pre-pends the primitive data that makes up the choreography to the MP3 data. This allows re-loading a Dancebot MP3 file and adapting the choreography further.

Build & Deployment Instructions



  1. Install CMake 3.15 or above.

    • Add cmake's bin folder to the PATH environment variable
  2. Install Visual Studio Community

  3. Install Qt 5.12.11 LTS. The easiest is to use the online installer. Take note of the installation directory as you will need it later on.

    • You will only need the MSVC 2017 64-bit version
  4. Install Git. The commands in the following steps are run in the Git Bash.

  5. Clone the repository and update submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive


  1. Navigate to the DanceBotsEditor directory and create a build directory:

    cd DanceBotsEditor\
    mkdir build
  2. Navigate to the build directory, configure for release:

    cd build\
    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\path\to\Qt\5.12.11\msvc2017_64\ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..

    You may need to update the generator flag (-G) depending on the Visual Studio version that you are using. To check what generators are available, run cmake -G.

  3. The build folder should now contain a Visual Studio solution (.sln) and project files. You can build the project using the Visual Studio IDE or command line.

    a. Using the Visual Studio IDE, open the dancebotsEditor.sln file and build the dancebotsEditor project in Release and 64-bit (x64).

    b. To build on the command line using x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 (or whatever Visual Studio version you are using), navigate to DanceBotsEditor\build\gui\ and run:

    msbuild dancebotsEditor.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /m

    c. To build on the command line using PowerShell, run:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe .\dancebots_gui.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /m

    You may need to edit the path depending on the Visual Studio version that you are using.


  1. Navigate to the deployment folder:

    cd DanceBotsEditor\build\gui\Release\
  2. Run the Qt deployment tool on the executable, pointing it to the QML folder, and adding some flags:

    C:\path\to\Qt\5.12.11\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt.exe .\dancebotsEditor.exe --qmldir ..\..\..\gui  --no-translations --release

    This adds all necessary Qt .dll and QML files to the deployment folder.

  3. Copy the following x64 .dll files from the Visual Studio redistributable subfolder to the deployment folder so that the users do not need to install the redistributable package:

    cp 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.24.28127\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\msvcp140.dll' .
    cp 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.24.28127\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140.dll' .
    cp 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.24.28127\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT\vcruntime140_1.dll' .
  4. Your deployment folder can now be shared with other users.

  5. Expert If you want to generate an MSI installer, this can be done using a Python script that is copied to the gui folder in the build folder. Install the WIX Toolset, and then generate the installer with the following steps from the gui folder:

    python .\
    candle.exe .\dancebots.wxs
    light.exe -ext WixUIExtension .\dancebots.wixobj

The script will just create an installer with the exact same folder structure that you have in the Release folder of the gui folder. So you may add additional files there that will be packaged with the installer, too.



  1. Install Xcode:

    xcode-select --install

    If that fails, follow the instructions here.

  2. Install CMake 3.15 or above. The easiest is to use Homebrew:

    brew install cmake
  3. Install Qt 5.12.11 LTS. The easiest is to use the online installer. Take note of the installation directory as you will need it later on.

  4. Clone the repository and update submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive


  1. Navigate to the DanceBotsEditor directory and create a build directory:

    cd DanceBotsEditor/
    mkdir build
  2. Navigate to the build directory, configure for release, and build the project:

    cd build/
    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/5.12.11/clang_64/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
    make -j2


To generate a macOS app and DMG file, go to the gui/mac_os_rc directory and run the script.

usage: <build-dir> <qt-bin-dir> <qml-dir>

Deploy app for macOS

positional arguments:

  build-dir             cmake build directory
  qt-bin-dir            QT bin directory
  qml-dir               QML directory

For example:

cd gui/mac_os_rc/
./ ../../build/ ~/Qt/5.12.11/clang_64/bin/ ../

The script will create Dancebots and Dancebots Editor.dmg in your build directory.



  1. Install build dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libpulse-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
  2. Install CMake 3.15 or above. The easiest is to use the package manager:

    sudo apt-get install cmake
  3. Install the Qt 5.12.11 LTS Desktop gcc 64-bit component. The easiest is to use the online installer. Take note of the installation directory as you will need it in the Build step.

  4. Clone the repository and update submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive


  1. Navigate to the DanceBotsEditor directory and create a build directory:

    cd DanceBotsEditor/
    mkdir build
  2. Navigate to the build directory, configure for release, and build the project:

    cd build/
    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/5.12.11/gcc_64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
    make -j2

The dancebotsEditor binary will be located in the build/gui directory.

Swap Channels

By default, the left-channel plays audio and the right-channels plays data. However, in some cases it may be necessary to swap audio and data channels, e.g. #62. To do this, create a config.ini file alongside the executable. In the .ini file, write:


If there is no config.ini file, the default channel order will be used.

Style Guide

We are using cpplint for static code analysis, and therefore (roughly) follow the Google C++ Style Guide.


We cannot follow the Google naming style to the letter due to naming restrictions by Qt (lower-case starting signals, upper-case enums). Therefore, we use the following naming convention

Element Example Comment
Variable fileName camelCase
Member Variable mFileName m + CamelCase
Constant fileName like variable
Enum WriteOnly CamelCase
Class FileHandler CamelCase
Files file_handler.[h|cc] lower_case + file ending

Indentation / Tabs

are two spaces.

Function Doc

Use following template:

   \brief  Calculate convolution of two signals.

         Some more detailed description or an example goes here.
   \param[in] Signal A
   \param[in] Signal B
   \param[out] Convolution A * B
   \return Whether the operation was successful (0) or not (1).

Header Guards

Use define guards following Google Style minus the project name, i.e. for the header file audio_file.h in folder DanceBotsEditor/src, use

   #ifndef SRC_AUDIO_FILE_H_
   #define SRC_AUDIO_FILE_H_

   #endif  // SRC_AUDIO_FILE_H_

License and Credits

The GUI source code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.

The Dancebots hard- and software was originally developed by Raymond Oung and Philipp Reist during their PhD at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control for use in the Sportferienlager Fiesch of the City of Zürich.

You can find more hardware information in the electronics and firmware repository, and more general info on the Dancebots website.

The workshop's continued existence is due to the educational outreach program mint & pepper at the Wyss Zurich.

The Dancebots GUI was developed by Philipp Reist, Robin Hanhart, and Raymond Oung.

Third-party libraries

We are grateful to the developers of the following open-source libraries. For the libraries' licenses refer to the file LICENSE_3RD_PARTY, or the submodule repositories in the lib folder and the Qt open-source licensing info.

Refer to the links below or contact us if you wish to obtain any of the libraries' source code.

Table of third-party libraries and licenses

Library Authors License
Qt Toolkit The Qt Company Ltd. and other contributors GNU LGPL 3.0
QM Vamp Plugins Queen Mary, University of London GNU LGPL 2.0
TagLib Scott Wheeler et al. GNU LGPL 2.1 and MPL 1.1
libsndfile Erik de Castro Lopo et al. GNU LGPL 2.1
kissfft Mark Borgerding BSD 3-Clause
LAME List of Developers GNU LGPL 2.0
Google Test Google Inc. BSD 3-Clause