This repository serves as a log for my undergraduate thesis project which is working to verify the elastic cross-section for a high energy scattering experiment. This project started as my 2022 summer internship and is continuing into the summer of 2023. The data used comes from Jefferson Lab's Hall C and this work was done under the advisment of Dr. Julie Roche. Initial results were found using ROOT/C++, MATLAB, and they continue to be corrected for using the SIMC monte carlo simulation.
This project exists as a small part of the PION LT experiment at JLab. High energy electrons are shot on a liquid hydrogen target in order to study the structure of the proton.
Cuts were placed on the experimental data to control for good momentum elastic reactions, and to account for dead time and bream trips. This was compared against the Mott cross-section with a consideration for proton form factor (elastic and magnetic).
SIMC was used to map simulated scattering events to my data so that the solid angle could be extracted for each run.
- Correcting events using dummy runs (in progress)
- Radiative corrections
- Tracking efficiency
- Dead time
- Vertex tracking