ROOT is a C++ framework developed by CERN to be used in the analysis of high energy particle physics experiments. These are a series of little programs I'm writing to familiarize myself with its features.
The root program will need to be installed in order to run these commands. Here is the install page.
From the command line:
From the interactive shell:
root [0] .x FILENAME.C
Make sure to run the commands from inside the appropriate project folder so that there are no path resolving errors.
ex1: ROOT macros. Use the TF1 and TF2 classes to draw some sine functions
ex2: ROOT macro. Uses the TH1D class to create a histogram from some random data points centered around a bell curve
ex3: ROOT macro. Uses TTree class and TTreeReader class to run a calculation on a example root file for a fake collision experiment. It finds the average magnitude of momentum from the set of all events. Credit for the experiment.root file is in references.
mini-project: Analyzing data from a calorimeter
Root Reference Guide: Here you can find a list of all the classes and namespaces in the ROOT framework along with definitions, use cases, examples, and tutorials.
Bill Seligman's Site: A general thank you to the creator of the Root Tutorial I used in this project. He has provided his entire tutorial and all the example files (prev REF) for free to the public.
Riley Reedy