in the selected environment and potentially follow instructions -
in the selected environment and potentially follow instructions -
Link the environment selected (e.g.
) via:
ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.bash_sessions_disable ~/.bash_sessions_disable ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig ln -s ~/dev/dotfiles/environments/default/lib/git/.global_gitignore ~/.global_gitignore ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.grc ~/.grc ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.vim ~/.vim ln -s `<your/checkout/path>`/environments/default/.tmux/ ~/.tmux ln -s ~/.tmux/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
- initiate git submodules (
git submodule update --init --recursive
) for vim-settings and tpm
- Default login bash might need to be set via
sudo echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells
sudo echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells
# Set default shell to bash...
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
- Install tmux plugins via
Prefix + I
is tmux default but we are usingCTRL-A
Install all plugins by calling
from within vim (may complain because of missing plugins, like e.g. color-scheme) -
YouCompleteMe may need compilation:
(may take quite some time)