- Browse timetables, that are downloaded and stored locally on the device,
- Saving user choices (group that user choose will be his default)
- Browse lecturer's timetables, tutorship hours and emails that are stored locally
- Instant access to lecturer's site on wzr.ug.edu.pl for more info (internet connection required)
- check last news from website that also are stored later on the device
- all features are avaliable for both full time and part time students
- Swift 5
- Apple Storyboards (for App Views)
- Realm Swift (for Database)
- SwiftSoup (for scrapping data from websites)
- CSV.swift (for parsing CSV data)
- Lottie (for animations)
- BetterSegmentedControl (for smoother segment control)
- SwipeableTabBarController (for tab bar controller animations)
Pick between full time and part time:
Timetable view:
Lecturers timetable view:
Lecturer details view:
Web lecturers view:
News view: