Node-IMS is an Information Management System that provides the ability to Store and View/Review all types of information in flexible schemes.
Main concept for this project is not beeing limited to a singular view or structure for organizing informations. Informations can be stored inside the system, encased with meta-data and linked to other (parent-) documents. The system views informations in user-defined schemas.
As the main goal of this project is to build a highly flexible and dynamic application to manage all types of infromation, that implies there should be no need at all to put any sensitive information inside the code. The code should be just code and all data should reside in the database only.
This application will only as usefull as the views which it includes - so contributions are very welcomed!
I want to see this application grow to a free, open and universal Information Management System, but in this particular case it will be just as usefull as the views it includes.
The Affero GPL would meet that wish, but I'm affraid of it beeing to much of turn-down for potential Contributors... ...but in the end I choose to opt for the Apache License and hope for the best!
I believe that "the fundamental act of friendship among programmers is the sharing of programs" - so contributions are very welcomed!
This project uses UIkit
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
This project is build with ANGULAR
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.2.6.