Welcome to the GY-91-PI4J wiki!
GY-91, 10 DOF, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Pressure sensor Having 2 modules inside it MPU-9250 and BMP-280.
Converted the c code into java to work for my project. Using pi4j.
To detect the GY-91 sensor with raspberry pi type in terminal. sudo i2cdetect -y 1
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
Check the sensors addresses: And change if required. I found x68 address for MPU-9250 and x76 address for BMP-280.
then run this command in terminal. first move to jar directory 'project/out/artificts/sensors/' using cd.
sudo java -jar sensors.jar
Special Thanks to Referenced c-language source code: (If you want the c version of the code you can use this zip) http://roboturka.com/wp-content/uploads/GY-91.zip or you can find the c code in this repo as well.
compile using gcc: gcc -Wall -o gy91 gy91.c -lwiringPi -lm
run: ./gy91
Wire Connection:
Connect only 4 pins if using raspberry pi.
VCC -> 5v pin of raspberry pi
GND -> Ground Pin of raspberry pi
SCL -> SCL pin of raspberry pi
SDA -> SDA pin of raspberry pi
That's it.