This is a tool to send automated calls to deliver messages. It consist in a HTLML GUI, an AGI files and the asterisk dialplan.
- Login page.
- Easy Creation of Campaigns.
- Upload of 2 Audios usually a Gretting(audio1) and the message to deliver(audio2).
- Simple Campaign Status. Showing the number dialed, the contact attempts the last call status, the SIPCAUSE(Asterisk 1.8) and if was deliver or not the message(audio2).
- Selection between dial only to see if the number is in service or deliver the message.
- Maximum Calls allowed.
- Maximum Retries
- Retry Time.
- Add Admin Users.
- Database Installation:
Enter in the mysql cli and run:
create database dialerdb
grant all privileges on dialerdb.* to 'dialeruser'@'localhost' indentified by 'dialerpass'
Exit of mysql cli and dump the structure:
mysqldump dialerd < MYSQL/struct_dialerddb.sql
Add an admin via mysql cli:
USE dialerdb
INSERT INTO login_admin(user_name,user_pass) VALUES('admin',SHA1('admin'));
- HTML GUI Installation:
Create a directory in your APACHE root folder:
mkdir /var/www/html/dialer
Copy the files:
cp -r HTML/* /var/www/html/dialer
Add the dialplan to your Asterisk:
cat ASTERISK/extensions.conf >> /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
Copy the AGI scripts:
cp -r AGI/* /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/