Releases: navaismo/Ender-3V3-SE
This release includes:
- The beautiful GRID from @eduard-sukharev from his PR#18. Spasibo Eduard!
- Added a new Item for the Tune Menu, This is to control the Extrusion Flow Rate from 0 to 200%. Applies for Octoprint or SD Card Prints.
Make a new Bed Level from the printer menu, with the new grid setup Octoprint will fail if is not re-leveled again.
This release includes:
- Fix the UI of the Level Grid
- Increased the Purge lenght during M600 macro routine.
This release is an optional release that includes:
- Added verbose to the Pause/M600 Macros for debugging purposes.
- Cleanup of some code.
- Visual confirmation of Octoprint Connected.
To have a better control of Connection and disconnection of the serial port add the following in the OctoPrint GCODE Scripts section:
This release includes:
- Fix for M600 Purge option from octoprint.
- Fix for M600 resume print when printing standalone(without connection of Octoprint).
- Fix for M600 purge when printing standalone.
- Fix for Bed Level Save prompt from LCD menu, the M117 command now will not overlap the screen.
- Enable flag when serial port is connected to Octoprint.
- Added two firmwares for 128000(128kbps) and 115200(115kbps) for those using Octo4A.
Take note of this:
- This firmware is heavily modified to be used with Octopint, So if you want to use the normal standalone I suggest to use another flavor from another user to avoid any other malfunction.
- If you connect Octoprint M600 prompts MUST be acknowledge from OctoPrint and will ONLY work from Octopint. Here you can purge N times and then continue
- If you do not connect Octoprint, M600 prompts MUST be acknowledge from LCD and will ONLY work from LCD. Here there is no option to purge, in the moment you hit the knob of the LCD it will purge once and continue the print job.
- Once you connected Octoprint the LCD KNOB will not work anymore, This is because the way creality designed the firmware, there is no middle ground so I tried my best to give you the ability to use the knob if Octo is not connected, but if you connect it then you are tied to the host.
From issue #5 and after some trials I found a good settings with the buffers and BaudRate to minimize the possible Oozing while updating the LCD so this patch contains:
- Increased the Buffers for the Serial Communication.
- Increased the BaudRate from 115200 to 128000.
In any case the oozing can be also reduced by increaseing the retractions and wipes of your specific filament in the slicer.
Remember to change the BaudRate settings in Octoprint too.
- Merged @rtorchia PR
- Merged OctoPrintLCDDetailsLCD Branch into Main
- Generated Bin File v1.
This firmware needs the OctoPrint Custom Plugin to send 09000 commands in order to render the job in the LCD.
- Removed Serial Echos, no need of this and may affect the print job.
- Cleanup.
- Added Scroll of Big names in the Title.
This firmware needs the OctoPrint Custom Plugin to send 09000 commands in order to render the job in the LCD.
Included the Autolevel-Grid to a 7x7-Mesh based on the fork of @aschmitt1909
Included the Linear Advance functions based on the fork of @queeup-Forks
Included the Support of Hosts Commands based on the fork of @rtorchia
My fork changes includes:
- The 7x7 Mesh to 5x5
- Increase the Z distance when M600(change filament) is invoked to provide enough space to change and purge the filament.
- Added M117 Support to show Messages in the LCD Screen.
- Added the detailed page and controls of a Print Job Coming from Octoprint to be shown in the LCD
- Added custom comand O9000 to receive the data to render in the Print Job Page from Octo print.
This firmware needs the OctoPrint Custom Plugin to send 09000 commands in order to render the job in the LCD.