This project is a web service for nebulas election, which provide APIs for frontend
The project is writen by PHP (v7.2).
Dependce on the following PHP extensions:
* gmp
* swoole (v4.3.3)
* phalcon (v3.4.2)
There are 3 files or folders in the root path.
api: project code
php7: files for building php7 docker image
Dockerfile: file for building project docker image
Step 1: git colne
cd [root_path] git submodule update --init
Step 2: build PHP7 docker image
cd [root_path]/php7 docker build -t php7:nebulas .
Step 3: build project docker image
cd [root_path] docker build -t nebulas:[version] .
Step 4: run container by project image
docker run --name nebulas -p [your port]:8080 nebulas -d nebulas:[version] crontab env=[enviroment]
[enviroment] can be "production", "ready" or "dev", default "production", that means the project uses which config file ([root_path]/api/config)
you can edit any file in path [root_path]/api/config and make adjustments as needed