Release for Version 3.0.1 with following new features (Core, both Versions):
- Added full-support till Update 1.6.0 and 4th DLC (A Link Between Two Worlds DLC)
- include characters, weapons (also multi-element ones), AdventureMode-Maps, new WeaponSkill "Heart Power"
and all other things
- include characters, weapons (also multi-element ones), AdventureMode-Maps, new WeaponSkill "Heart Power"
- Add support for unlocking all found marks of all materials (to clear all "???" materials ingame)
- Fixed a problem with the unlock-state itself
- added identification for game-version of current opened savefile
- added identification for installed DLCs of current opened savefile
- change fairiesMax to 14 instead of 10 (thanks to gbatemp members)
- add Hearts-Showing (also editable) as a new stati-value of characters
- improve WeaponsSlotMax (15 weapons), no editor crash anymore
- delete the restrictions of the MasterSword (you can now have more then once)
- add a auto-trim function + backup if old savefile is too long (due to a failure of the editor itself last time)
- add security check of savefile-length
- added support of lightweight cross-plattform http-client
- include an lightweight UpdateChecker for new Releases and nightlies
- Add Restrictions due to security reasons and avoid user-error
- (Character and Weapon edit are depend on GameVersion and DLCs, Maximum LVL, Hearts, Attack etc..)
- Added some handling for not-editable characters/maps and weapons
- Added Check if you add more weapons then the game allows (max: 10), because
you have to sell them at the start of the game itself
- support for Multi-Element Weapons if you have DLC 2, DLC 3 or DLC 4 installed
- Add security-check: If a Multi-Element Weapon are found on a savegame with Version 1.0.0 to 1.3.0
there are re-calculate with a new default Weapon on that slot, to avoid a game-freeze
- Add security-check: If a Multi-Element Weapon are found on a savegame with Version 1.0.0 to 1.3.0
- Add better handling for AdventureModeMaps
- According changes for AdventurModeItems, better and easier handling
- Rename the Unknown characters "???" to ???_1 and ???_2 for better handlig of this not-used characters
- fix some bugs of the previous nightlies
- Finally fix issue #1 (You can now attached all attack-badges ingame to an character
which you have unlocked with the editor) - Fixed deleted-weapon bug (LVL, DamageBase and Sate aren't cleared correcly)
- Add Fallback for older edited-saves, so all Unsued(Blank)Weapons will be calculated correcctly now
The Console-Version has also some new features:
- support for latest Core
- add disable-auto-trim function (in CMD: PROGRAMNAME --disable-auto-trim)
- Implement the UpdateChecker from Core:
- You can now start the console-variant without a savefile, it will let you check
for available updates - add a force update-check function (in CMD: PROGRAMNAME --check-updates), no savefile needed
- added a MenuPoint for update-checking if a savefile is opened
- You can now start the console-variant without a savefile, it will let you check
- Change handling for editing AdventureModeMaps/Items
- Change WeaponSkill behaviour
The GUI has also some new features:
- support for latest Core
- add support for disabling auto-trim via CMD-start of the program (in CMD: PROGRAMNAME --disable-auto-trim)
- add a force update-check function via CMD-start of the program (in CMD: PROGRAMNAME --check-updates)
- Add Copy/Paste Buttons for Weapon-Values and config which values will be copied
- Add a Overview over all Characters (show Name, Unlock-State and a Edit-Button for Stats)
- Add better handling and better Design for Chara-Stats Editing
- each character can now be edited easily, like the fairies
- show some other piece of information about a character
- Change Menu-Structure for AM-Maps and new Chara-Dialogs
- Add all needed Security-Checks
- Add some new Max.Stats Buttons (Faires, Weapons, Charas)
- Add UpdateChecker as a new MenuPoint in the MainMenu
- some other minor changes
The source itself has not only the new functions also there are some news:
- change CMake-Files for including new third-party-libs
- Change CMake-Lists for thread-usage (for future use)
- add/change some functions, documentation etc
- add new Classes according to the changes mentioned above
- many code-improvements and bugfixing
- Add a 3rd-party library
- Added lightweight C-HTTP-Library with an own C++ - Wrapper
(needed for UpdateChecking)
- Added lightweight C-HTTP-Library with an own C++ - Wrapper