HWL-SaveEditor V2.0
Release for Version 2.0 with following new features (Console/Core Version):
- Added a fully Weapon-Editor with an behavior like the ingame smithy (any weapon is bind to an character and a main-weapon-type)
- You can edit the Damage-Base, Stars, Level, Legendary-State, Kills for all Skills-Slots, Skills directly for a Skill-Slot, Generate an new default weapon for this weapon-type and delete also any weapon you want.
- Added Security Checks for the unique Master-Sword (no changeable Damage-Base, Level and Legendary-State)
- Added Security Checks for the last weapon (default weapon of the first weapon-type of each character)
- Added Security-Check/Information if you set a Weapon to a Legendary-One without the Legendary-Skill itself
- You can take/edit up to 15 weapons of each weapon-type of each character (the ingame maximum is about 10, so it will force you to sell 5 weapons if you start the game. A nice-to-have feature for getting money ;) )
- Added also an Security-Check for unlocking any character without a default weapon. This weapon will be set automatically.
- Change the '???' thing within the MyFairy-Editing to 'Refreshes', because it shows, how many times you set back your fairy to LVL 1.
- For the Console-Version, the Weapon-Editor is foundable as an Submenu within the Character-Menu
- Due to the complexity of the Weapon-Editor and the others stuff and also because of too much changes within the code, the version was updated to 2.0 directly. (and because many many hours of despair ^^)
The GUI has also some new features:
- Implement the latest Core-Version (fully Weapon-Editor)
- Choosing Weapon-Skills, Weapon-Level and Stars as a DropDown-List
- Switching/Paging over all Characters and their Weapon-Types and also the Weapon-Slots itself for an easy-change feeling
- Added also all security-stuff like above
- For the GUI-Version, the Weapon-Editor is foundable within the Edit->Character Menu-Entry