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Puppet Module to deploy a nodejs application using PM2

This is a pretty hacky first version. It relies on puppet module willdurand/nodejs to install nodejs and npm. It would be good to make the create_app a provider called say pm2_app. and use the nodejs::npm provider instead of executing npm install etc.

Minimal Usage:

 class { 'pm2': }

 class { 'pm2::create_app':
   name    => 'my-nodejs-app',
   require => Class['pm2']

Detailed Usage:

 class { 'pm2':
   npm_repository    => "https://mylocal.repo",
   npm_auth          => 'Ashtyhy=+as',
   npm_always_auth   => true,
   pm2_version       => "latest",
   install_root      => '/opt',
   install_dir       => 'nodejs',
   max_restarts      => 10,
   min_uptime        => 3500,
   deamon_user       => 'nodejs',  

 class { 'pm2::create_app':
   name            => 'my-nodejs-app',
   app             => 'myapp',
   appversion      => 'latest',
   path            => "/opt/nodejs/myapp",
   script          => "lib/app.js",              
   args            => ["arg1","arg2"],
   env             => '{ "env.NODE_ENV" : "test" }',
   install_root    => '/opt',
   install_dir     => 'nodejs',
   max_restarts    => 10,
   min_uptime      => 3500,       
   deamon_user     => 'nodejs',     
   require => Class['pm2']

App Deployment:

 Instead of deploying the nodejs app at puppet configuration time a bash script is generated by puppet 
 so deployment can be done later via ssh: 
 To do deployment this way run: 
    sudo su - nodejs
    /opt/nodejs/ myapp 0.0.1-110  serve_app.js '{ "env.NODE_ENV" : "test" }'  "[arg='value']"
 This way a generic nodejs/pm2 server can be build and ssh used to deploy a given app as part of a continuous integration 
 workflow using tools like jenkins or teamcity.

 It is also possible to test that a deployment was successful by running via ssh: 
    sudo -u nodejs /opt/nodejs/ 

 NOTE: Both the puppet and bash script deployment is done via npm so the application is assumed to be in a public or private 
 repository like sinopia. The other alternative is deploy from a source repository like git. PM2-Deploy supports this form of 
 deployment but currently there is no puppet or bash script to support this but it can be easily done.  
 NOTE: To use nar(NPM Archive) as an alternative to npm install 
 To do deployment this way run: 
    sudo su - nodejs
    /opt/nodejs/ myapp-0.0.1-110.nar  myapp 0.0.1-110  serve_app.js '{ "env.NODE_ENV" : "test" }'  "[arg='value']"
 The nar file will first need to be download from a remote source like AWS S3.  

Nodejs Configuration:

Module "willdurand/nodejs" is called to do the nodejs install. Assuming using puppet 3.x with hiera then nodejs can be configured by setting the parameters in hiera:

 nodejs::version:          'stable'   ('vX.Y.Z', 'latest' or 'stable')
 nodejs::target_dir:       '/usr/local/bin'
 nodejs::with_npm:         true
 nodejs::make_install:     true

Also you need to set the path in Factor before running this as willdurand/nodejs relies on the $::path variable

 set path to '/usr/local/node/node-default/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin'

Working with PM2 - Commands, Debugging etc.

logon to to the daemon user (by default nodejs) and you will be in home directory (/opt/nodejs by default)

To show running apps:

 pm2 list

To restart my-app

In the home directory (/opt/nodejs by default)

pm2 kill
pm2 start "my-app/pm2.json" --name "my-app"

To see the logs

pm2 logs 

Deploying my-app

sudo -u nodejs /opt/nodejs/ my-app 0.1.182 lib/app.js '{ "env.NODE_ENV" : "dev"}' 


Puppet Module to deploy a nodejs application using PM2






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