stay tuned
- Komponenten in Isolation anzeigen
- Ordnerstrutkur wird für hierarchische Navigation / IDs verwendet
- Komponenten sind self-contained
- Komponenten können mit jedem Build-Tool verwendet werden
- Informationen zum Pattern:
- Rendering der Komponte mit Styling, Assets, Behaviour
- Name (1)
- Pfad (zur main file) (1)
- Props (falls vorhanden, react-docgen) (1)
- Readme (gerendertes md) (1)
- Dependency Tree (depending, dependents) (1)
- Nice to have: Linter für Abhängigkeiten (1)
- patterns sind: ordner mit package.json
- entry file folgt den node konventionen
- import ist unverändert im vgl. zu node
- Readme: wenn im pattern folder, anzeigen/rendern
| ui-renderer | ---- rendering navigation, documentation, dependency tree, demos
--------------- ---- erzeugt browser-kompatiblen output
- benutzt zentrale build-bundles vom fs (muss konfiguriert werden)
- schreibt zentrale entry-file auf fs (hängt exports in global)
- user provided html-grundgerüst
- user konfiguriert publicRoot (fs-path)
- user konfiguriert bundlePaths, werden eingebunden
- patterns werden über eindeutige id referenziert
- configuration lesen
- patterns finden
- patterns parsen
#Roadmap / ToDos
- Use substack/node-resolve in
to find entry-files [x] Build up initial pattern treeabandoned in favor of a flat array of components[ ] Implement functions to read patterns from tree- Build basic UI to display navigation, name, path and readme
- Generate "entry-file" which exports/exposes all patterns
- Extend the UI to be able to render pattern demos spiked in nerdlabs/schaufenster-ui#poc-rendering
- Code massage / clean up rename variables, make tests more robust, etc
- Improve create-entryfile.js (allow for es6 module syntax, commonjs, globals, etc)
- Use react-markdown to extract JSX code blocks from readme file (used to render demo of pattern)
- Use react-docgen to create propTypes documentation
- Revisit pattern format (in anticipation of the changes in find-patterns we want to have a more general format to describe patterns)
- Re-implement find-patterns to parse source files and search for react components in the AST (to find patterns more reliably)
- Parse JS files to find relative dependencies to other patterns and add this information to patterns
- Add chokidar to watch all pattern folders and update patterns when files are added/removed
- Parse CSS files to find relative dependencies to other patterns
- Investigate analyzing JSX
attributes to find CSS dependencies (if no CSS modules are being used)
collect-files => globs for **/*.js files
- read-fle => read a file and parse it to an AST
- collect-dependencies => find all import statements
- extract-components => find all exports and run the following scripts:
- is-component => checks whether an ast node is a react component
- parse-comments => to find docblock comments (@schaufenster use|ignore, @example, @description)
- find-displayname => function/class/variable/export name, file name or last part of path
- find-proptypes => uses react-docgen to extract information about propTypes
- find-usages => cross-reference all components and their dependencies to find usages
- read-fle => read a file and parse it to an AST
Some examples for how the docblock integration could work:
What do we do with a file? Should we display it? Could it contain example code? How to find out if it belongs to a single component or to all components in its folder.
or possibly component based
"displayName": "Button",
"fileName": "index.js",
"fullPath": "./components/atoms/button/index.js",
"content": "import * as React from 'react';\nexport default () => (<button></button>);",
"ast": {...},
"fileImports": [{
"source": "react",
"names": [{ "*": "React" }]
}, {
"source": "../label/index.js",
"names": [{ "Label": "Label" }]
}, {
"source": "../../../redux/myaction.js",
"names": [{ "doMyAction": "doMyAction" }]
}, {
"source": "./styles.css",
"names": [{ "styles": "styles" }]
"export": {
"name": "default",
"type": "default"
"dependencies": [
"dependents": [
"propTypes": {},
"examples": [
"<Button />"