- Design and implement a data pipeline using Apache Spark with the PySpark Library for pre-processing the raw dataset.
- Compare the performance of three supervised classification techniques to suggest an efficient model for predicting whether the customer placed an order
Dataset: Link
Summary: This data set represents a day's worth of visit to a fictional website. Each row represents a unique customer, identified by their unique UserID
. The columns represent feature of the users visit (such as the device they were using) and things the user did on the website in that day. It’s a classic dataset to explore and expand your analytics skills and sensitive with business case in the future
Problem: Predict whether the customer placed an order
Describe: It has 445,402 rows in train set and 161,656 rows in test set. Each have 25 columns (features) and can get some describe on the link above but in this data a few of the features we need to consider are:
- basket_add_detail: Did the customer add a product to their shopping basket from the product detail page?
- sign_in: Did the customer sign in to the website?
- saw_homepage: Did the customer visit the website's homepage?
- returning_user: Is this visitor new, or returning?
- ordered: Did the customer place an order?
git clone https://github.com/nghoanglong/customer-prosensity.git
cd customer-prosensity
bash buil-image.sh
docker-compose up
- hadoop cluster: http://localhost:50070
- hadoop cluster - resource manager: http://localhost:8088
- spark cluster: https://localhost:8080
- jupyter notebook: https://localhost:8888
docker cp [dataset.csv] hadoop-spark-master:/root
docker exec -it hadoop-spark-master bash
hdfs dfs -put dataset.csv [hadoop_path]
Language: Python
Framework/Libary: Apache Spark, PySpark, Pandas, Numpy
Machine Learning Algorithms: Decision Tree Regression
Metrics: Accuracy, F1-score, Recall, Precision
Author: Nguyen Hoang Long
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umhummmm/
Email: [email protected]