is a Python library for Natural Language Processing tasks based on
a Deep Learning neural network architecture.
The library currently provides tools for performing part-of-speech tagging, Named Entity tagging and Semantic Role Labeling.
also provides code for creating word embeddings from text, using
either the Language Model approach by [Collobert11], or using Hellinger PCA,
as in [Lebret14].
It can also create sentiment specific word embeddings from a corpus of annotated Tweets.
requires numpy.
A C++ compiler is also needed for compiling the C++ extensions it uses,
produced with Cython.
The generated .cpp
files are already provided with deepnl
, but you
will need Cython if you want to develop or modify the C++ extensions.
To compile the library, run:
$ python build
You can run the scripts directly from the bin
directory, or you can
install them by calling:
$ sudo python install
can be used both as a Python library or through command line scripts.
You can use deepnl
as a library in Python code as follows, where
is the name of the file containing the model produced through training:
>>> import deepnl
>>> tagger = deepnl.Tagger.load(filename)
>>> sent = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog .'
>>> tagger.tag_sentence(sent.split(), return_tokens=True)
[[(u'The', u'DT'), (u'quick', u'JJ'), (u'brown', u'JJ'), (u'fox', u'NN'), (u'jumped', u'VBD'), (u'over', u'IN'), (u'the', u'DT'), (u'lazy', u'JJ'), (u'dog', u'NN'), (u'.', '.')]]
Class Tagger
is a generic interface for sequence taggers and provides a
method tag_sequence
for tagging a sentence.
A sentence is represented as a list of tokens.
Class Tagger
can be used directly for performing POS tagging.
Two specializations are provided: NerTagger`, for Named Entity tagging and
for Semantic Role Labeling.
The output of tag_sequence
is normally a list of tuples, representing
tokens with their associated tags. In the case of POS tagging, the tags are
just the POS tags of each token; in case of NerTagger
the tags are in
notation for representing subsequences, while in the case of
the output is more complex.
provides scripts for tagging text or training new models.
They are present in the bin subdirectory where you downloaded the code. If you did not install them, you can invoke them directly from there.
Call them with option -h
or --help
to obtain details on their usage.
The scripts expect tokenized input, one token per line, with an empty line to separate sentences.
When training, the token attributes are supplied in TSV (tab separated values) format.
Here is an example of POS tagging, using a previously trained model from file pos.dnn
$ pos.dnn
The DT
quick JJ
brown JJ
fox NN
jumped VBD
over IN
the DT
lazy JJ
dog NN
. .
The command
allows creating word embeddings from a language
model built from a plain text corpus, properly tokenized.
The command
allows creating word embeddings from a
language model built from a plain text corpus, with the technique of Hellinger
The command
allows creating sentiment specific word
embeddings from a corpus of annotated Tweets.
The NER tagger replicates the performance of SENNA in the CoNLL 2003 benchmark.
The CoNLL-2003 shared task data can be downloaded from
The train and test data must be cleaned and converted to the more recent IOB2 notation, by calling:
sed '/-DOCSTART-/,+1d' train | bin/ | cut -f 1,2,4 > train.iob
sed '/-DOCSTART-/,+1d' testa | bin/ | cut -f 1,2,4 > testa.iob
sed '/-DOCSTART-/,+1d' testb | bin/ | cut -f 1,2,4 > testb.iob
cat train.iob testa.iob > train+dev.iob
Assuming that the SENNA distribution is in directory senna
, the embeddgins
and vocabulary from SENNA can be used:
cp -p senna/embeddings/embeddings.txt vectors.txt
cp -p senna/hash/words.txt vocab.txt
The gazetters from SENNA can be used to produce a single entity list as follows:
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 < senna/hash/ner.loc.lst | awk '{printf "LOC\t%s\n", $$0}' > eng.list
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 < senna/hash/ner.misc.lst | awk '{printf "MISC\t%s\n", $$0}' >> eng.list
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 < senna/hash/ | awk '{printf "ORG\t%s\n", $$0}' >> eng.list
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 < senna/hash/ner.per.lst | awk '{printf "PER\t%s\n", $$0}' >> eng.list
You also need the list of suffixes:
cp -p senna/hash/suffix.lst suffix.lst
The tagger can then be trained as follows:
bin/ ner.dnn -t train+dev \
--vocab vocab.txt --vectors vectors.txt \
--caps --suffix --suffixes suffix.lst --gazetteer eng.list \
-e 40 --variant senna \
-l 0.01 -w 5 -n 300 -v
The benchmark can be run as:
bin/ model < testb.iob > testb.out.iob
The results I achieved are:
processed 46435 tokens with 5648 phrases; found: 5640 phrases; correct: 5031. accuracy: 97.62%; precision: 89.20%; recall: 89.08%; FB1: 89.14 LOC: precision: 93.30%; recall: 91.01%; FB1: 92.14 MISC: precision: 78.24%; recall: 77.35%; FB1: 77.79 ORG: precision: 84.59%; recall: 87.24%; FB1: 85.89 PER: precision: 94.71%; recall: 94.06%; FB1: 94.38
Erick Fonseca developed nlpnet
, a similar library, available at:, which provided inspiration for deepnl
[Collobert11] | Ronan Collobert, J. Weston, L. Bottou, M. Karlen, K. Kavukcuoglu and P. Kuksa. Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12:2493-2537, 2011. |
[Lebret14] | Rémi Lebret and Ronan Collobert. 2014. Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA. EACL 2014: 482. |