Simple socket and secure socket in modern C++.
Non-blocking implementation of sockets for Windows and Linux for sequencial (not asynchronous) programming.
OpenSSL Library
This project uses CMake as build system. In directory ./build/ run:
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Will produce the static library in bin
to link your program.
You can configure another build systems in cmake options.
And can also add the dependency if you use CMake as well.
Is used a homemade testing framework called qtest
. To build the testing of nes_sockets
use the CMake
target nes_socket_test
will link to the library and produces the executable nes_socket_test
Example of sucessful run:
~/.../build$ ../bin/nes_socket_test
Automated Test Suite
Default path dir: ".../nes_sockets/bin"
### Test Summary ###
32 test executed in 1 package. (0 errors).
Example of failure:
~/.../build$ ../bin/nes_socket_test
Automated Test Suite
Default path dir: ".../nes_sockets/bin"
### Test Summary ###
--- Package nes_sockets ---
### Test nes::net::socket[_serv] ###
Test localhost communication
8: [ ER ] qtest::eq(bin_to_strv(data_recv), "abcde");
lhs: abcd
rhs: abcde
32 test executed in 1 package. (1 error).
In examples folder:
: show basic usage of sockets to use the HTTP protocol. CMake build targetex_http_get
. -
: a echo server that listen to incoming conections. Prints the received data in terminal and sends back the same data. CMake build targetex_tcp_echo_server