Activate conda environment with Tensor Flow libraries or use an apropriate docker image a) conda environment Follow instructions from
b) docker image docker pull udacity/carnd-term1-starter-kit docker run -it --rm -p 4567:4567 -v ~/Udacity_Self_Driving_Car_ND/Term1/Behavorial_Cloning:/src udacity/carnd-term1-starter-kit /bin/bash
Start the simulator on autonomous mode track 1 and then run: python drive.py model.json
we are trying to develop an end-to-end control system using a deep neural network to control the steering of a simulated vehicle. The simulation environment includes a closed loop track with left and right turns, lanes, bridge, escape exits, trees, edges and other. The viewpoint is taken from a simulated camera placed centered on top of the vehicle. The objective is to develop a suitable architecture with a trained model which is able to drive the car on the track without ever going off the road.
The architecture adopted for solving this problem was similar to the solution presented by Bojarski, Mariusz, et al [1]. Here, as in that paper we aim to build an end-to-end control system by using camera images directly as input and getting steering values as an output. The authors proved that it was possible to build a system which solves this problem in real life, using cameras mounted on top of the vehicle and gathering a lot of data to train an adequate model.
It is worth to mention that they used aditional cameras on the left and right together with the centered one in order to augment the data. Their strategy proved to be very successful, otherwise it would be extremely time consuming (and probably not even feasible) to get a relevant amount of data to train the neural network.
The proposed architecture consists of 5 Convolutional Neural Networks followed by 3 Dense Neural Networks as follows:
Input size: 80 , 160 , 3
lambda_11 (Lambda) (None, 80, 300, 3) 0 lambda_input_11[0][0]
convolution2d_50 (Convolution2D) (None, 38, 148, 24) 1824 lambda_11[0][0]
batchnormalization_52 (BatchNorm (None, 38, 148, 24) 48 convolution2d_50[0][0]
activation_80 (Activation) (None, 38, 148, 24) 0 batchnormalization_52[0][0]
convolution2d_51 (Convolution2D) (None, 17, 72, 36) 21636 activation_80[0][0]
batchnormalization_53 (BatchNorm (None, 17, 72, 36) 72 convolution2d_51[0][0]
activation_81 (Activation) (None, 17, 72, 36) 0 batchnormalization_53[0][0]
convolution2d_52 (Convolution2D) (None, 7, 34, 48) 43248 activation_81[0][0]
batchnormalization_54 (BatchNorm (None, 7, 34, 48) 96 convolution2d_52[0][0]
activation_82 (Activation) (None, 7, 34, 48) 0 batchnormalization_54[0][0]
convolution2d_53 (Convolution2D) (None, 5, 32, 64) 27712 activation_82[0][0]
batchnormalization_55 (BatchNorm (None, 5, 32, 64) 128 convolution2d_53[0][0]
activation_83 (Activation) (None, 5, 32, 64) 0 batchnormalization_55[0][0]
convolution2d_54 (Convolution2D) (None, 3, 30, 64) 36928 activation_83[0][0]
batchnormalization_56 (BatchNorm (None, 3, 30, 64) 128 convolution2d_54[0][0]
activation_84 (Activation) (None, 3, 30, 64) 0 batchnormalization_56[0][0]
flatten_11 (Flatten) (None, 5760) 0 activation_84[0][0]
fc1 (Dense) (None, 100) 576100 flatten_11[0][0]
batchnormalization_57 (BatchNorm (None, 100) 200 fc1[0][0]
activation_85 (Activation) (None, 100) 0 batchnormalization_57[0][0]
dropout_30 (Dropout) (None, 100) 0 activation_85[0][0]
fc2 (Dense) (None, 50) 5050 dropout_30[0][0]
batchnormalization_58 (BatchNorm (None, 50) 100 fc2[0][0]
activation_86 (Activation) (None, 50) 0 batchnormalization_58[0][0]
dropout_31 (Dropout) (None, 50) 0 activation_86[0][0]
fc3 (Dense) (None, 10) 510 dropout_31[0][0]
batchnormalization_59 (BatchNorm (None, 10) 20 fc3[0][0]
activation_87 (Activation) (None, 10) 0 batchnormalization_59[0][0]
Total params: 713811
Dropout layers were included to prevent over-fitting and increase robustness. Relu units were used throughout the neural network architecture in order to make the system compatible with non-linearities and thus able to represent more complex systems. Batch normalisation layers were included before activation units in order to speed up the convergence process when training the neural network.
The original dataset provided by Udacity was used to train the neural network. When running an initial experiment using all the dataset, the trained model was driving the car off the road. After a careful and detailed analysis of the dataset, it was realised that there were too many samples centred around steering = 0 and too few at extreme regions (-1.0 and 1).
The key method to make the car stay on the track was to remove the excess of training data in the centre region and add copies of data at extreme regions, by shifting the images captured by the center camera both to the left and to the right and correcting the steering accordingly. The images were also reduced to half the size in order to make the training steps faster and normalised between -0.5 and 0.5.
All images were cropped in order to eliminate useless information (car and sky) which also contributes to speed up the training process.
The original dataset comprised 8036 color images with size 320x160. The final dataset comprised 11174 color images with size 300x80. The distribution of the samples is much broader in the new set compared to the original one which means that training is much more effective.
In the end 28 epochs were enough to train (under two minutes!) a model which is able to make the car stay on track.
This architecture proved to be adequate for the given problem and has the main advantages of being simple, small and easy to train in very few steps and with a relatively small dataset.
Note: I decided not to augment the dataset by using left and right camera images because that introduces unpredictable and artificial biases which may lead to misbehaviours as the paper authors also mention. Besides, by shifting the center image we achieve roughly the same result (as using the left and righ cameras).
This model solves the given problem and successfully maintains the car on the track even when running at full speed.
References: [1] “Bojarski, Mariusz, et al. "End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars." arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07316 (2016).