iii GGGG iii tt LL bb
GG GG tt LL aa aa bb
iii GG iii tttt LL aa aaa bbbbbb
iii GG GG iii tt LL aa aaa bb bb
iii GGGGGG iii tttt LLLLLLL aaa aa bbbbbb
Name says it all, use this script to install GitLab on any debian flavored server, check the script for configuration options.
Tested working on 6-1-stable, but should work on other versions and master as well. Change "master" below in wget to 6-1-stable if you want to use that branch.
wget https://raw.github.com/tripflex/igitlab/master/igitlab
chmod +x igitlab
./igitlab mygitdomain.com
Set this to whatever branch you want to use for the GitLab installation. Current tested working version is 6-1-stable, change to master for latest.
Version 5.1 through 5.9 uses Puma, whereas 6.0 will start using Unicorn again. Set this to 1 if you are installing a version that requires Unicorn instead of Puma.
Set this to the URL to download Ruby source
Set this to the root password for MySQL access. If MySQL is not setup yet on the server you will be prompted to set one up, and then enter it again for the script to use. You will probably only need to set this if you already have MySQL setup, or just enter it when script asks for it.
Set this to the arguments you want ran with apt when updating, and installing. Current default is set to "-qq" which assumes -y and supresses output from apt. Set to -y for standard output.
# -s = simulate
# -y = yes (no prompt)
# -q = quiet
# -qq = even more quiet (also implies -y, do not use with -s)
Set these to filenames you want to use for apt logs