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Amir Chaudhry edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 3 revisions

Mirage is one of the key components of the Nymote toolstack and this post introduces the principles behind it. If you're familiar with the using the command line, I'd encourage you to try out the installation instructions for yourself!

What is Mirage and why is it important?

Most applications that run in the cloud aren't optimised to do so. They inherently carry assumptions about the underlying operating system with them, including vulnerabilities and bloat. Compartmentalisation of large servers into smaller virtual machines has enabled many new businesses to get started and achieve scale. This has been great for new services but many of those virtual machines are single-purpose and yet they contain largely complete operating systems which themselves run applications like web-servers. This means a large part of the footprint is unused and unnecessary, which is both costly and a security risk (due to the larger attack surface).

Mirage represents a new approach where only the necessary components of the OS are included and compiled along with the application into a unikernel. This results in highly efficient and extremely lean 'appliances', with a much smaller attack surface. These appliances can be deployed directly to the cloud and embedded devices, with the benefits of reduced costs and increased security and scalability.

How does Mirage work?

Mirage is a unikernel for constructing secure, high-performance network applications across a variety of cloud computing and mobile platforms. It works by treating the Xen hypervisor as a stable hardware platform, allowing us to focus on high-performance protocol implementations without worrying about having to support the thousands of device drivers found in a traditional OS.

Code can be developed in a high-level functional programming language (OCaml) on a desktop OS such as Linux or Mac OSX, and is then compiled into a fully-standalone, specialised unikernel. These unikernels run directly on Xen Project hypervisor APIs. Since the Xen Project powers most public clouds such as Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud, and many others, Mirage lets your servers run more cheaply, securely and faster in any Xen Project based cloud or hosting service.

Mirage is based around the OCaml language, with syntax extensions and 35+ libraries which map directly to operating system constructs when being compiled for production deployment. As such, Mirage includes clean-slate functional implementations of protocols ranging from TCP/IP, DNS, SSH, Openflow (switch/controller), HTTP, XMPP and Xen Project inter-VM transports.

Some of the new applications we are building using Mirage include the next-generation Xen Cloud Platform (a widely deployed open-source Xen distribution), dubbed Project Windsor.

Where will Mirage be useful?

An example of a current Mirage appliance can be seen at, which is a self-hosted site deployed on the public cloud (in this case, on Amazon EC2). Such appliances could be auto-configured and deployed directly to the public cloud (e.g. Rackspace or Amazon EC2) or pushed to embedded devices. There is also, where separate Mirage unikernels are being used to present slides for conferences. These are both example of how Mirage is working right now and below are examples of what we can do in the future.

Self-scaling architecture

We can create auto-scaling web-servers with very small footprints. These would be cheaper to run than current solutions due to the small size but they would also be highly elastic. If a sudden spike in traffic occurs, the web-servers can be configured to create and deploy copies of themselves to service the demand. This auto-scaling happens so quickly that an incoming connection can trigger the creation of new server and the new server can then handle that request before it times out (which is on the order of milliseconds). When the demand dies down again, these web-servers can automatically shut themselves down. Since these machines boot fast we can be more elastic, raising and lowering capacity to precisely meet demand and therefore only spending what we actually need.

Deployment to embedded devices

Using Mirage, we can also create appliances that can run on embedded devices. Such appliances would be deployed into small devices that are scattered around your home, in plant pots to measure water levels to chemical sensors in your fridge that tell you when the milk has gone off. You could access the data from these sensors via a web-sever appliance, which is also deployed locally in your home on a device like a Raspberry Pi, so you're not affected by any upstream connectivity issues and your data remains within your control.

[I need help from this point on - Amir]

  1. A toolkit of user-space networking and storage libraries to help use fast Network Interface Controllers (NICs) and storage adapters. To maximise performance you want to (i) exploit the hardware by e.g. asking your NIC to demultiplex streams into separate queues; and (ii) minimise context switches by letting your userspace application control the NIC directly (possibly an SR-IOV VF acting as a 'virtual NIC'). So you would link your app against the Mirage libraries and something like Intel's DPDK and run it under Linux.

  2. A small OpenFlow-capable virtual switch. Since the VMs are small a cloud provider could give one to each tenant so they can control more of their own virtual networking. It's difficult to let the tenants talk to the real switches: the isolation is important for security.

  3. A toolkit of libraries to help make applications small enough to run on ARM devices such as the raspberry pi.

Who is involved in Mirage?

The Technical Leads for Mirage are Dr Anil Madhavapeddy, in the Systems Research Group in the University of Cambridge and Dr David Scott, Principal Xen Architect at Citrix Systems.

As a Library OS, all contributors to the 40+ libraries are also contributors to Mirage OS as a whole. Mirage is primarily supported by [Horizon Digital Economy Research][] - RCUK, and is also an Incubated Project under the umberella of the Xen Project