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Merge pull request #1889 from voodoos/granular-marshal
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 Replace Marshal by Granular_marshal in ocaml-index
  • Loading branch information
voodoos authored Feb 5, 2025
2 parents 834821e + ca0edb2 commit 102eee4
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,163 additions and 80 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ unreleased
- `locate` can now disambiguate between files with identical names and contents
+ ocaml-index
- Improve the granularity of index reading by segmenting the marshalization
of the involved data-structures. (#1889)

merlin 5.4.1
Expand Down
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ end
let get_buffer_locs result uid =
(fun (uid', loc) () acc ->
if Shape.Uid.equal uid uid' then Lid_set.add loc acc else acc)
if Shape.Uid.equal uid uid' then
Lid_set.add (Index_format.Lid.of_lid loc) acc
else acc)
(Mtyper.get_index result) Lid_set.empty

let get_external_locs ~(config : Mconfig.t) ~current_buffer_path uid =
Expand All @@ -134,7 +136,8 @@ let get_external_locs ~(config : Mconfig.t) ~current_buffer_path uid = external_locs ~f:(fun (index, locs) ->
let stats = Stat_check.create ~cache_size:128 index in
( Lid_set.filter
(fun { loc; _ } ->
(fun lid ->
let { Location.loc; _ } = Index_format.Lid.to_lid lid in
(* We ignore external results that concern the current buffer *)
let file = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname in
let file, buf =
Expand All @@ -159,12 +162,12 @@ let lookup_related_uids_in_indexes ~(config : Mconfig.t) uid =
let title = "lookup_related_uids_in_indexes" in
let open Index_format in
let related_uids =
List.fold_left ~init:Uid_map.empty config.merlin.index_files
List.fold_left ~init:(Uid_map.empty ()) config.merlin.index_files
~f:(fun acc index_file ->
let index = index_file in
(fun _ a b -> Some (Union_find.union ~f:Uid_set.union a b))
(fun _ a b -> Some (Union_find.union a b))
index.related_uids acc
with Index_format.Not_an_index _ | Sys_error _ ->
log ~title "Could not load index %s" index_file;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,19 +276,20 @@ let locs_of ~config ~env ~typer_result ~pos ~scope path =
let locs = Lid_set.union buffer_locs external_locs in
(* Some of the paths may have redundant `.`s or `..`s in them. Although canonicalizing
is not necessary for correctness, it makes the output a bit nicer. *)
let canonicalize_file_in_loc ({ txt; loc } : 'a Location.loc) :
'a Location.loc =
let canonicalize_file_in_loc lid =
let ({ txt; loc } : 'a Location.loc) = Index_format.Lid.to_lid lid in
let file =
Misc.canonicalize_filename ?cwd:config.merlin.source_root
{ txt; loc = set_fname ~file loc }
Index_format.Lid.of_lid { txt; loc = set_fname ~file loc }
let locs = canonicalize_file_in_loc locs in
let locs =
log ~title:"occurrences" "Found %i locs" (Lid_set.cardinal locs);
Lid_set.elements locs
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun { Location.txt; loc } ->
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun lid ->
let { Location.txt; loc } = Index_format.Lid.to_lid lid in
let lid = try Longident.head txt with _ -> "not flat lid" in
log ~title:"occurrences" "Found occ: %s %a" lid Logger.fmt
(Fun.flip Location.print_loc loc);
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/dot-merlin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ module Cache = File_cache.Make (struct
| exn ->
close_in_noerr ic;
raise exn

let cache_name = "Mconfig_dot"

Expand Down
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions src/index-format/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)

open Granular_marshal

module type S = sig
type key
type 'a t

val empty : unit -> 'a t
val bindings : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val union : (key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val cardinal : 'a t -> int
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
val find_opt : key -> 'a t -> 'a option
val choose_opt : 'a t -> (key * 'a) option
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'a t -> 'acc -> 'acc
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val schema :
'a t Type.Id.t ->
Granular_marshal.iter ->
(Granular_marshal.iter -> key -> 'a -> unit) ->
'a t ->

module Make (Ord : Map.OrderedType) = struct
type key = Ord.t
type 'a t = 'a s link
and 'a s = Empty | Node of { l : 'a t; v : key; d : 'a; r : 'a t; h : int }

let empty () = link Empty

let height s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> 0
| Node { h; _ } -> h

let create (l : 'a t) x d (r : 'a t) : 'a t =
let hl = height l and hr = height r in
link (Node { l; v = x; d; r; h = (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1) })

let singleton x d =
let empty = empty () in
link (Node { l = empty; v = x; d; r = empty; h = 1 })

let bal (l : 'a t) x d (r : 'a t) : 'a t =
let hl =
match fetch l with
| Empty -> 0
| Node { h; _ } -> h
let hr =
match fetch r with
| Empty -> 0
| Node { h; _ } -> h
if hl > hr + 2 then begin
match fetch l with
| Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
| Node { l = ll; v = lv; d = ld; r = lr; _ } ->
if height ll >= height lr then create ll lv ld (create lr x d r)
else begin
match fetch lr with
| Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
| Node { l = lrl; v = lrv; d = lrd; r = lrr; _ } ->
create (create ll lv ld lrl) lrv lrd (create lrr x d r)
else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
match fetch r with
| Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
| Node { l = rl; v = rv; d = rd; r = rr; _ } ->
if height rr >= height rl then create (create l x d rl) rv rd rr
else begin
match fetch rl with
| Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
| Node { l = rll; v = rlv; d = rld; r = rlr; _ } ->
create (create l x d rll) rlv rld (create rlr rv rd rr)
link (Node { l; v = x; d; r; h = (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1) })

let rec bindings_aux accu s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> accu
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } -> bindings_aux ((v, d) :: bindings_aux accu r) l

let bindings t = bindings_aux [] t

let is_empty s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> true
| _ -> false

let rec add x data s : 'a t =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> link (Node { l = s; v = x; d = data; r = s; h = 1 })
| Node { l; v; d; r; h } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then
if d == data then s else link (Node { l; v = x; d = data; r; h })
else if c < 0 then
let ll = add x data l in
if l == ll then s else bal ll v d r
let rr = add x data r in
if r == rr then s else bal l v d rr

let rec find x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> raise Not_found
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then d else find x (if c < 0 then l else r)

let rec find_opt x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> None
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then Some d else find_opt x (if c < 0 then l else r)

let rec mem x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> false
| Node { l; v; r; _ } ->
let c = x v in
c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)

let rec min_binding (t : 'a t) : key * 'a =
match fetch t with
| Empty -> raise Not_found
| Node { l; v; d; _ } when fetch l = Empty -> (v, d)
| Node { l; _ } -> min_binding l

let choose_opt t = try Some (min_binding t) with Not_found -> None

let rec remove_min_binding (t : 'a t) : 'a t =
match fetch t with
| Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.remove_min_elt"
| Node { l; r; _ } when fetch l = Empty -> r
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } -> bal (remove_min_binding l) v d r

let merge (t1 : 'a t) (t2 : 'a t) : 'a t =
match (fetch t1, fetch t2) with
| Empty, _t -> t2
| _t, Empty -> t1
| _, _ ->
let x, d = min_binding t2 in
bal t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)

let rec remove x s : 'a t =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> s
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then merge l r
else if c < 0 then
let ll = remove x l in
if l == ll then s else bal ll v d r
let rr = remove x r in
if r == rr then s else bal l v d rr

let rec iter f s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> ()
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
iter f l;
f v d;
iter f r

let rec map f s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> empty ()
| Node { l; v; d; r; h } ->
let l' = map f l in
let d' = f d in
let r' = map f r in
link (Node { l = l'; v; d = d'; r = r'; h })

let rec fold f m accu =
match fetch m with
| Empty -> accu
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } -> fold f r (f v d (fold f l accu))

let rec add_min_binding k x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> singleton k x
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } -> bal (add_min_binding k x l) v d r

let rec add_max_binding k x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> singleton k x
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } -> bal l v d (add_max_binding k x r)

let rec join (l : 'a t) v d (r : 'a t) =
match (fetch l, fetch r) with
| Empty, _ -> add_min_binding v d r
| _, Empty -> add_max_binding v d l
| ( Node { l = ll; v = lv; d = ld; r = lr; h = lh },
Node { l = rl; v = rv; d = rd; r = rr; h = rh } ) ->
if lh > rh + 2 then bal ll lv ld (join lr v d r)
else if rh > lh + 2 then bal (join l v d rl) rv rd rr
else create l v d r

let concat (t1 : 'a t) (t2 : 'a t) : 'a t =
match (fetch t1, fetch t2) with
| Empty, _t -> t2
| _t, Empty -> t1
| _, _ ->
let x, d = min_binding t2 in
join t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)

let concat_or_join t1 v d t2 =
match d with
| Some d -> join t1 v d t2
| None -> concat t1 t2

let rec split x s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> (s, None, s)
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then (l, Some d, r)
else if c < 0 then
let ll, pres, rl = split x l in
(ll, pres, join rl v d r)
let lr, pres, rr = split x r in
(join l v d lr, pres, rr)

let rec union f (s1 : 'a t) (s2 : 'a t) : 'a t =
match (fetch s1, fetch s2) with
| _, Empty -> s1
| Empty, _ -> s2
| ( Node { l = l1; v = v1; d = d1; r = r1; h = h1 },
Node { l = l2; v = v2; d = d2; r = r2; h = h2 } ) -> (
if h1 >= h2 then
let l2, d2, r2 = split v1 s2 in
let l = union f l1 l2 and r = union f r1 r2 in
match d2 with
| None -> join l v1 d1 r
| Some d2 -> concat_or_join l v1 (f v1 d1 d2) r
let l1, d1, r1 = split v2 s1 in
let l = union f l1 l2 and r = union f r1 r2 in
match d1 with
| None -> join l v2 d2 r
| Some d1 -> concat_or_join l v2 (f v2 d1 d2) r)

let rec cardinal s =
match fetch s with
| Empty -> 0
| Node { l; r; _ } -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r

let rec update x f t =
match fetch t with
| Empty -> begin
match f None with
| None -> t
| Some data -> link (Node { l = t; v = x; d = data; r = t; h = 1 })
| Node { l; v; d; r; h } ->
let c = x v in
if c = 0 then begin
match f (Some d) with
| None -> merge l r
| Some data ->
if d == data then t else link (Node { l; v = x; d = data; r; h })
else if c < 0 then
let ll = update x f l in
if l == ll then t else bal ll v d r
let rr = update x f r in
if r == rr then t else bal l v d rr

let rec schema type_id iter f m =
iter.yield m type_id @@ fun iter tree ->
match tree with
| Empty -> ()
| Node { l; v; d; r; _ } ->
schema type_id iter f l;
f iter v d;
schema type_id iter f r

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