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Jade Meskill edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 4 revisions

Meshblu Core - The internal layer of meshblu communication and message passing across protocol adapters. Handles the device registry and message routing.

Protocol - system for communication with clients outside the core, e.g. HTTP, MQTT, CoAP

Protocol Adapter - Service responsible for translating a Protocol into Meshblu Core

Request - Inbound request from a protocol adapter to the core, composed of metadata and data

Response - Result of a Request, composed of metadata and data

Job Queue - Requests are stored for access by jobs, protocol adapters will make a blocking call to access the response

Job - A collection of Filters and Tasks that make up the Meshblu API.

Filter - A named collection of common Tasks, referenced in other Tasks.

Task - A component of a Job. Typically performs a single action. Returns a response code and status

Manager - A collection of internal methods shared across tasks

Dispatcher - Processes Request and Response

Datastore - Accesses document storage, collection name is provided in the Job definition

Cache - Accesses key/value store, namespaced to provide isolation from other tasks

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