I'm a medical doctor, software engineer and founder. I like to build things.
You can find my rambling on my blog.
Besides that, here's some stuff I've built:
- OpenRegulatory: A medical device compliance SaaS and consultancy. 5 people in total, bootstrapped and 100% owned by me.
- Digital Health Jobs: A job board for, you guessed it, jobs in digital health.
- Beudamed: A better European medical device database. Built in 2 months or so. Note that the EU is still working on their own version of their medical device database with a team of 52 people and a budget of €9M Euros per year.
- KI-Buchhalter (German): An LLM-powered plugin for German bookkeeping software. We're using it at OpenRegulatory and it's saving us a huge amount of time, but.. selling this sort of plugin to other people seems to be tricky.
- Medical Misfits: A podcast in which I interview doctors who don't work as doctors - startup founders, software developers, etc.