This library is prone to breaking if Compass Education changes their API. Use at your own risk.
A rust library for interacting with the Compass Education API.
Uses Reqwest and Tokio under the hood.
This library is a work in progress and is not yet feature complete.
Note: This library is not affiliated with Compass Education.
The methods and models are based on investigation of Compass Education's website.
This library may break if Compass Education changes their API.
Type this in your terminal:
cargo add
or add this to your Cargo.toml
compass_edu_api = { git = "" }
async fn main() {
// Create a new client with your school prefix and auth cookie
let client = compass_edu_api::client::Client::new("<School Prefix>", "<Auth Cookie>");
// Login to the API
// Get a list of locations from the API
let locations: Vec<compass_edu_api::models::Location> = client.get_locations(None, None, None).await.unwrap();
// Print the locations to the console
println!("{:?}", locations);
Generate the documentation by cloning the repository with git clone
and running:
cargo doc --open # Open the documentation in your browser
If it doesn't open automatically, navigate to target/doc/compass_edu_api/index.html