Uses the tweetnacl library to encrypt / decrypt files in a directory.
clone this repo and run
npm install
mkdir files_to_encrypt
mkdir files_to_decrypt
$ node generateKey.js
Store this key somewhere sensible. If you lose the key, you can't decrypt your files. Fair warning.
Copy the files you want to encrypt into the files_to_encrypt
Use your key to encrypt the files.
KEY=K6RchRUGO0FmWOyqBzCWMjaFPRs0D3undo46wrmrVdM= node encryptDir.js
Encrypted files are in the folder with an .encrypted
Copy the files you want to decrypt into the files_to_decrypt
Use your key to decrypt the files.
KEY=K6RchRUGO0FmWOyqBzCWMjaFPRs0D3undo46wrmrVdM= node decryptDir.js
Decrypted files are in the folder without an .encrypted