Multi Layer Perceptron (C++) with ONE hidden layer.
To compile it, use the "make" command (Makefile included).
To run it: ./MLP nInput nHiddenNeurons nOutputNeurons testFile trainingFile learningRate error
- nInput: number of inputs (i.e., number of attributes).
- nHiddenNeurons: number of neurons in the hidden layer.
- nOutputNeurons: number of neurons in the output layer.
- testFile: file with the test cases (must have the correct class in front of each case).
- trainingFile: file with the training cases (must have the correct class in front of each case).
- learning_rate: learning rate of the neural network.
- error: used as a convergence criterion.
The MLP will output to files the final network weights and the confusion matrix.
Data preprocessing performed using Matlab (data standardization: mean = 0 and std_dev = 1).
There is a Python (version 2.7) script used to perform 10-fold cross-validation. To run it, simply type "python". Please take a look at the file to see how it works (don't worry, it's well documented).