Hello folks!
This is a classic game using Arduino
- Clone the repository to get the code
- Install PushButton lib (in folder lib)
- Build the code and upload to your arduino (follow the circuit.png)
- 3D Case (avaiable in http:// or 'case' folder)
- 4 leds (RED - https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-led-difuso-vermelho-5mm | YELLOW - https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-led-difuso-amarelo-5mm | BLUE - https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-led-difuso-azul-5mm | GREEN - https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-led-difuso-verde-5mm)
- 4 resistor 220ohms (https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-resistor-220-ohms-14w-%C2%B11)
- 4 switchs (in my case i used arcade buttons, avaiable in https://shopee.com.br/product/293161110/5961318684)
- 1 Arduino (https://8bitstore.com.br/arduinos-arduino-nano)
- 1 Battery case (https://shopee.com.br/Clip-Para-Bateria-9v-Tipo-T-i.301180537.6161563495)
- 1 Buzzer Pasive (https://8bitstore.com.br/componentes-eletronicos-buzzer-passivo-5v)
- 1 Switch: on/off the game (https://shopee.com.br/product/311648084/4457782405)
- wires