This project offers a web interface to the MNIST digit recognition model which is tensorflow based. Follow the steps to fire it up and enjoy..
Shows a sample implementation of how to expose a tensorflow model through a flask api and how to turn MNIST digit recognition into something fun by providing a html5 based web front-end.
Create the conda environment with python version > 3.0
conda create --name <env_name> python=3.5
pip install keras==2.3.1
pip install tensorflow==1.15.0
pip install flask==1.1.2
pip install flask_Cors==3.0.9
pip install opencv-python==
You will also need node installed. Node dependencies -
npm install connect serve-static
Starting the backend
This starts up a flask app and listens in port 8080.
You will have to replace keras_new
with your own environment name
Starting the frontend
cd webmnist-frontend; node serve.js
- Open up a browser and type "http://localhost:8181" This shows up an html canvas. Draw your digit there and press submit to get the prediction out.
- Pankaj Giri