- PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) Protocol specification: v3.0
- Acknowledge specification: v1.0
- Dynamic addressing specification: v2.0
- PJON known protocols: list
- PJDL (Padded Jittering Data Link) specification: PJDL v2.0 - PJDLR v2.0 - PJDLS v2.0
- TSDL (Tardy Serial Data Link) specification: TSDL v2.0
- SFSP (Secure Frame Separation Protocol) specification: SFSP v1.0
Milan, Italy
Originally published: 20/11/2017
TSDL (Tardy Serial Data Link) v2.0 specification
Invented by Giovanni Blu Mitolo,
released into the public domain
Related implementation: /strategies/ThroughSerial/
Compliant versions: PJON v10.0 and following
- Frame separation provided by SFSP v1.0
TSDL (Tardy Serial Data Link) is a simplex or half-duplex serial data link that supports both master-slave and multi-master configuration. It supports collision avoidance, reliable frame separation and optional synchronous response to frame transmissions.
______ TX RX ______
| |-------| |
TSDL can be used to establish a point-to-point link between two devices if used with a bare serial link, or supporting one or many to many communication with physical layers that are supporting this feature, like serial radio or RS485 transceivers.
- Frame separation support provided by SFSP v1.0
- Support collision avoidance
- Support optional 1 byte synchronous response to frame transmissions
Before a frame transmission, the serial buffer is read, if not empty ongoing communication is detected and collision avoided, if empty for a duration longer than the time-in (that should be common on all connected devices) before transmission, plus a short random time, frame transmission starts in which the packet is entirely transmitted.
A frame transmission can be optionally followed by a synchronous response by its recipient.
Transmission Response
_______ ______ ______ _____ _____
| 149 || H || I || 234 | LATENCY | 6 |
|_______||______||______||_____| |_____|
Between frame transmission and a synchronous response there is a variable timeframe influenced by latency and CRC computation time. The maximum time dedicated to potential acknowledgement reception must be shorter than the transmission time-in (to avoid other devices to disrupt a response exchange) and it is estimated adding the maximum frame length CRC computation time to the expected latency.