PAYMILL extension (credit card and direct debit) for JTL (Version 3.1.5).
Use the following link to download the module:
Extract the content of the zip file and merge the content of the folder "paymill-jtl-master" with your JTL plugins folder (<shop_root>/includes/plugins).
- In the main menu goto Plugins -> Pluginverwaltung
- Select module "PAYMILL" and choose Installieren
- In the main menu goto Plugins -> Plugins -> PAYMILL
- Enter your PAYMILL Test- or Livekeys and click on Speichern
To activate PAYMILL payment follow these steps:
- In the main menu goto Kaufabwicklung > Zahlungsarten
- In the main menu goto Kaufabwicklung > Versandarten
- Click on ändern
- Select the payment you want and press Versandart ändern
To trigger a paymill refund you must cancel the order in the jtl wawi
In case of any errors turn on the debug mode in the PAYMILL payment method configuration. Open the javascript console in your browser and check what's being logged during the checkout process.
The payment is processed when an order is placed in the shop frontend.
Fast Checkout: Fast checkout can be enabled by selecting the option in the PAYMILL Basic Settings. If any customer completes a purchase while the option is active this customer will not be asked for data again. Instead a reference to the customer data will be saved allowing comfort during checkout.