Puppet module for managing Windows PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration) resources.
This module generates Puppet Types based on DSC resources' MOF (Managed Object Format) schema files.
In this version, the following DSC Resources are already built and ready for use:
- All base DSC resources found in PowerShell 5. (WMF 5.0)
- All DSC resources found in the Microsoft PowerShell DSC Resource Kit
This module is available on the Puppet Forge
- PowerShell 5 which is included in Windows Management Framework 5.0. PowerShell v5 is currently in production preview, so the above link may change after official release.
puppet module install puppetlabs-dsc
You must set refresh mode to disabled before you can use this module to apply any resources.
dsc::lcm_config {'disable_lcm':
refresh_mode => 'Disabled',
You can use a DSC Resource by prefixing each DSC Resource name and parameter with 'dsc_'.
dsc_windowsfeature {'IIS':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_name => 'Web-Server',
All DSC Resource names and parameters have to be in lowercase, e.g: dsc_windowsfeature
or dsc_name
It's a real example and should also work for you.
class fourthcoffee(
$websitename = 'FourthCoffee',
$zipname = 'FourthCoffeeWebSiteContent.zip',
$sourcerepo = 'https://github.com/msutter/fourthcoffee/raw/master',
$destinationpath = 'C:\inetpub\FourthCoffee',
$defaultwebsitepath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot',
$zippath = 'C:\tmp'
$zipuri = "${sourcerepo}/${zipname}"
$zipfile = "${zippath}\\${zipname}"
# Install the IIS role
dsc_windowsfeature {'IIS':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_name => 'Web-Server',
} ->
# Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
dsc_windowsfeature {'AspNet45':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_name => 'Web-Asp-Net45',
} ->
# Stop an existing website (set up in Sample_xWebsite_Default)
dsc_xwebsite {'Stop DefaultSite':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_name => 'Default Web Site',
dsc_state => 'Stopped',
dsc_physicalpath => $defaultwebsitepath,
} ->
# Create tmp folder
dsc_file {'tmp folder':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_type => 'Directory',
dsc_destinationpath => $zippath,
} ->
# Download the site content
dsc_xremotefile {'Download WebContent Zip':
dsc_destinationpath => $zipfile,
dsc_uri => $zipuri,
} ->
# Extract the website content
dsc_archive {'Unzip and Copy the WebContent':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_path => $zipfile,
dsc_destination => $destinationpath,
} ->
# Create a new Website
dsc_xwebsite {'BackeryWebSite':
dsc_ensure => 'present',
dsc_name => $websitename,
dsc_state => 'Started',
dsc_physicalpath => $destinationpath,
As you can see, you can mix and match dsc resources with common puppet resources. All puppet metaparameters should also be supported.
- DSC Composite Resources are not supported.
- PSObjects like 'PSCredential' as parameters value not yet supported.
- DSC requires PowerShell
Execution Policy
for theLocalMachine
scope to be set to a less restrictive setting thanRestricted
. If you see the error below, see MODULES-2500 for more information.
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Dsc_xgroup[testgroup]: Could not evaluate: Importing module MSFT_xGroupResource failed with
error - File C:\Program
esource\MSFT_xGroupResource.psm1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more
information, see about_Execution_Policies at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
resource may not appear to work. The "Log" resource writes events to the 'Microsoft-Windows-Desired State Configuration/Analytic' event log, which is disabled by default. -
You may have issues attempting to use
dsc_ensure => absent
. See MODULES-2512 for details. -
When installing the module on Windows you may run into an issue regarding long file names (LFN) due to the long paths of the generated schema files. If you install your module on a Linux master and then use plugin sync you will likely not see this issue. If you are attempting to install the module on a Windows machine using
puppet module install puppetlabs-dsc
you may run into an error that looks similar to the following:
Error: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/cache/puppet-module/cache/tmp-unpacker20150713-...mof
Error: Try 'puppet help module install' for usage
For Puppet 4.2.2+ (and 3.8.2) we've lessened the possibility of the issue occurring based on the fixes in PUP-4854. However, a complete fix will become available in a version of Puppet that incorporates PUP-4866.
If you are affected by this issue, a known workaround is to download the .tar.gz
from the forge and use puppet module install
using the file rather than directly from the forge.
While there are avenues for using Puppet with a non-administrative account, DSC is limited to only accounts with administrative privileges. The underlying CIM implementation DSC uses for DSC Resource invocation requires administrative credentials to function.
- Setting the LCM RefreshMode to Disabled requires administrative credentials
- Using the Invoke-DscResource cmdlet requires administrative credentials
The Puppet agent on a Windows node can run DSC with a normal default install. If the Puppet agent was configured to use an alternate user account, that account must have administrative privileges on the system in order to run DSC.
- The puppet types are built from the source code of each DSC Resources MOF schema files.
- If you want the build Puppet types for your own custom DSC Resources, read the README_BUILD
- Copyright (c) 2014 Marc Sutter, original author
- Copyright (c) 2015 Puppet Labs
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0