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Phug Dev Tool

What is Phug Dev Tool?

The Phug Dev Tool is a command-line utility that comes with required libraries to develop the Phug template engine.


Install via Composer

composer require phug/dev-tool --dev


Available Commands


Updates composer and installs composer dependencies


Runs unit-tests:run, code-style:check and coverage:check in this order and fails as soon as one of the commands fail.

Return code is the return code of the failed command.

If --report is set, this command will generate code-coverage data and report it to code-climate.


Automatically scans code for problems regarding PSR-2 and attempts to fix them if wanted.

This runs phpcs with a default config or a local config, if found.


Automatically fixes code-problems regarding PSR-2.

This runs phpcbf with a default config or a local config, if found.


Runs unit tests located in ./tests.

You can pass --coverage-text and --coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath> to generate code-coverage information.


Checks existing code-coverage data and fails if a specific percentage coverage (80% by default) is not reached.

Accepts --input-file=<targetXmlPath> that points to a coverage file generated by unit-tests:run --coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath>


Reports coverage data to CodeClimate.

Accepts --input-file=<targetXmlPath> that points to a coverage file generated by unit-tests:run --coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath>

Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.