Hugo Pillow Theme
ExampleSite can be found here: exampleSite. The demo is built using this example configuration.
To get started with using the theme we start by creating a new hugo page.
After that we initialize our git repository and add the theme as a submodule.
Finally we copy the hugo.toml
to the root of the new hugo page.
hugo new site <mynewhugopage>
cd <mynewhugopage>
git init
git submodule add <url> themes/hugo-pillow
cp themes/hugo-pillow/hugo.toml .
hugo server
hugo new notes/
You can change a lot of the theme's settings in the hugo.toml
- primary,secondarycolor
- contact information
- social media links
- ...
Pillow comes with two styles, rose-pine-dawn for the light mode nord for the dark mode. If you want to change the syntax you have to modify the syntax_light.css and syntax_dark.css. For a gallery of different styles you can check-out: Chroma style gallery. To use a style run:
hugo gen chromastyles --style=<chosen-style> > themes/hugo-pillow/static/syntax_<light or dark>.css
Go to Spotify Web Player and under Share of a song extract the link from the Embed Option. You can specify the theme (light or dark)
{{< spotify spotify_link="<spotify_link>" spotify_theme="light" spotify_width="100%" spotify_type="tall" spotify_border_radius="8px" >}}
The following types of content are supported:
- blog
- projects
- retrospectives
- about
- recipes
- books
You can find examples of each in the content
folder of the exampleSite.
The following shortcodes are available:
- gallery
- metadata
- recipe
- bulletpoints
- quotes
- inline-images