This is a port of sfSimpleForumPlugin for Doctrine & Symfony 1.4
It relies on an already working registration process (using sfDoctrineGuardPlugin)
The prerequisites for using the sfSimpleForum
plugin are the same of sfSimpleForumplugin:
- You have to install and configure sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
By default, I use the trunk version of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin, to install it, just checkout the trunk :
$ svn co plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
If you want to use an older version of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin, just remove the 3 email_address fixtures in sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin/data/fixtures/fixtures.yml , it should work.
- If you want to use RSS feeds, you must install the sfFeed2Plugin
Install the plugin from the source you want (svn, git, etc ..)
With git from your project directory
$ git clone git:// -s plugins/sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin
With svn from your project directory
$ svn checkout plugins/sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin
Enable it in ProjectConfiguration.class.php
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
Rebuild the model, generate the SQL code for the new tables, insert it into your database and load the included fixtures :
$ php symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load
Clear the cache to enable the autoloading to find the new classes:
$ php symfony cc
Enable the new sfSimpleForum
module and the new sfSimpleForum
helper in your application, via the settings.yml
# in myproject/apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
enabled_modules: [sfSimpleForum, default]
standard_helpers: [Partial, Cache, sfSimpleForum, I18N]
Publish assets for the forum
$ php symfony plugin:publish-assets
Because of cycling dependencies in the fixtures, the latest post information can't be set automatically by doctrine. It will be updated when you will post your first message, or you can fix this by running the update-last-post task :
$ php symfony forum:update-last-post
Start using the plugin by browsing to the frontend module's default page:
If you want to enable the plugin administration interface, you have to enable two more modules. You can do so in your main application or in a backend application. the following example is for a 'backend' application:
# in myproject/apps/backend/config/settings.yml
enabled_modules: [sfSimpleForumCategoryAdmin, sfSimpleForumForumAdmin, sfSimpleForumRankAdmin, default]
Configure the plugin categories and forums by browsing to the administration modules default pages (assuming your backend application is called backend):
Some settings can be tweaked in your app settings.yml
display_recommandations: true # will allow the users to recommand a topic.
display_abuse: true # will allow the users to report abuse for a topic.
count_views: true # will count the number of view per topic.
admin_email: [email protected] # is the email of the admin who will receive abuse mails
from_email: [email protected] # is the "from" email address used to send abuse email
show_author_details: true # displays detailed information about the author on each post
max_per_page: 10 # number of posts displayed per page
display_avatar: true # if you want to display an image for each user (if show_author_details is set to true)
avatar_method: getLogo # provide a method which will return the path of the image to display. This method should be defined il your app/lib/myUser.class.php file
upload_dir: forum/ # the directory where uploaded files (for the rank system) will be uploaded. It will append this dir to sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')
display_rank: true # if you want to display the rank of each user (if show_author_details is set to true)
use_feeds: true # if you want to display a RSS link on each topic. Needs sfFeed2Plugin to work
load_css: true # enable default plugin css (disabled this config if you want to use your own css for the forum)
# image used to display a read / an unread topic
image_read: /sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin/images/email.png
image_not_read: /sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin/images/email_go.png
You can use the french translation as a starting point for other translations.
- French: up-to-date
- Russian: up-to-date - Thanks @frost-nzcr4
- Deutsch: not updated since fork from sfSimpleForumPlugin
- Spanish: not updated since fork from sfSimpleForumPlugin