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Add headless installer script
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programmer2514 authored Jun 8, 2021
1 parent cd155cf commit b053ee1
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@

# Initialize the input variable

# Print main menu
echo Google Drive for Raspbian
echo -------------------------
echo Options:
echo 1. Install/Re-install Google Drive
echo 2. Uninstall Google Drive
echo 3. Mount Google Drive
echo 4. Unmount Google Drive
echo 5. Add auto-mount
echo 6. Remove auto-mount
echo 7. Exit Installer

# Get user input
read -p "Input Number: " number

# If user inputs 1, install GDFS
if (( $number == "1" )); then

echo Initializing...

# Set active directory
cd /home/pi

echo Cleaning up old assets...

# Unmount & delete GDFS mount location if it exists
sudo umount /mnt/gdrivefs
sudo rmdir /mnt/gdrivefs
sudo rm /mnt/gdrivefs

# Delete Google Drive auth token if it exists
sudo rm /home/pi/.gdfs/creds

# Delete Google Drive symbolic link in home directory if it exists
sudo rm "/home/pi/Google Drive"

# Remove autostart entry if it exists
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/

echo Installing updates...

# Make sure pip3 is installed
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

# Install necessary python packages
sudo pip3 install google-api-python-client -U
sudo pip3 install gdrivefs -U

# Notify user of new auth window
echo Authorizing Google Drive...
echo Please follow the instructions to sign in to your Google Drive account:

# Give user some time to read the message
sleep 3

# Initialise authKey variable

# Get GDFS auth token link
gdfstool auth_get_url

# Ask user to input authorization key
echo Please input the authorization key retrieved from the above link
read -p "Authorization Key: " authKey

# Record authKey
echo Authorizing...
gdfstool auth_write "$authKey"

# Create GDFS mount location
echo Creating folders...
sudo mkdir /mnt/gdrivefs

# Allow GDFS to run without root
echo Modifying permissions...
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/gdrivefs

echo Mounting drive files...

# Mount GDFS
gdfs /home/pi/.gdfs/creds /mnt/gdrivefs

# Create symbolic link
ln -s "/mnt/gdrivefs" "/home/pi/Google Drive"

echo Listing files...
echo _______________________________

# Initialize confirmation variable

# List files in drive
ls "/home/pi/Google Drive"

# Ask user for success confirmation
read -p "Is this correct (Y/n)? " confirm

# If user confirms, continue
if [ "$confirm" = "y" ] || [ "$confirm" = "Y" ]; then

# Ask user for auto-mount confirmation
read -p "Mount on user login (Y/n)? " confirm
if [ "$confirm" = "y" ] || [ "$confirm" = "Y" ]; then

# Add autostart entry
sudo sh -c 'echo "#!/bin/sh
gdfs /home/pi/.gdfs/creds /mnt/gdrivefs" >> /etc/profile.d/'

# Make autostart entry executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

# Exit script
echo Installation successful...
echo If no files show up in the Google Drive folder,
echo make sure to refresh the file manager by pressing Ctrl+R
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# If user declines, cancel

# Exit script
echo Installation failed!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."



# If user inputs 2, uninstall GDFS
if (( $number == "2" )); then

echo Uninstalling...

# Unmount & delete GDFS mount location
sudo umount /mnt/gdrivefs
sudo rmdir /mnt/gdrivefs
sudo rm /mnt/gdrivefs

# Delete Google Drive auth token
sudo rm /home/pi/.gdfs/creds

# Delete Google Drive symbolic link in home directory
sudo rm "/home/pi/Google Drive"

# Remove autostart entry
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/

# Uninstall gdrivefs
sudo pip3 uninstall gdrivefs

# Exit script
echo Uninstallation successful!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# If user inputs 3, mount GDFS
if (( $number == "3" )); then

# Mount GDFS
echo Mounting GDFS...
gdfs /home/pi/.gdfs/creds /mnt/gdrivefs

# Exit script
echo GDFS mounted!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# If user inputs 4, unmount GDFS
if (( $number == "4" )); then

# Unmount GDFS
echo Unmounting GDFS...
sudo umount /mnt/gdrivefs

# Exit script
echo GDFS unmounted!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# If user inputs 5, make GDFS mount on startup
if (( $number == "5" )); then

# Remove autostart entry if it exists
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/

# Add new autostart entry
sudo sh -c 'echo "#!/bin/sh
gdfs /home/pi/.gdfs/creds /mnt/gdrivefs" >> /etc/profile.d/'

# Make autostart entry executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

# Exit script
echo Auto-mount added!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# If user inputs 6, make GDFS not mount on startup
if (( $number == "6" )); then

# Remove autostart entry
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/

# Exit script
echo Auto-mount removed!
read -p "Press enter to exit..."


# Exit the installer
echo Goodbye!
sleep 1s

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