A zero configuration Bootstrap 5 Boilerplate bundled with modern tools and workflows for an efficient UI/UX development experience.
A FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) project. Developed & Maintained by @provineet. | Vineet Verma |
- Bootstrap 5.x, FontAwesome 5.x
- SASS Compilation
- CSS AutoPrefixer
- JS Babel Transpilation (ES6 Presets)
- Webpack 5 Script Bundling
- Assets Minification (CSS, JS, Images)
- Image Optimizer (JPEG, GIF, PNG and SVGs)
- CSS Sprite Images
- BrowserSync for a no-lag browser reload
- Gulp Workflow
- All your source files will reside inside 'src' folder.
- Write SCSS with 7-in-1 SASS Architecture Folder Structure (src/scss)
- Option to transpile JS via Babel. Create individual JS files for each of your JS function inside 'src/js/scripts' folder and they all will be concatenated on the top of each other, creating a scripts.js file inside 'assets/js' folder.
- Use WebPack instead, to write Node or ES6 module based JS and bundle it as scripts.bundle.js.
- Create CSS Sprites by dumping all your individual images/icons inside 'src/sprites' folder. It will generate a sprite of these images and place a corresponding _sprites.scss file inside 'src/scss/components' folder to use the sprites via CSS classes.
- Generate a production distributable copy of your application via gulp build.
- Generate a development distribution copy of your application via gulp devbuild.
It requires nodejs with npm and a global installation of gulp 4.x on your development machine.
You can install NodeJs from here.
Once Node is installed on your system, open your terminal and run:
npm install --global gulp gulp-cli
To check your gulp version run:
gulp --version
CLI version: 2.*.*
Local version: 4.*.*
1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/provineet/bootplate
2. cd into directory bootplate
3. Run `npm install`
- to install all dependencies
4. Run `npm run serve`
- to spin a development server, compile files and reload browser on file changes.
Happy Coding 🥳
Edit gulpfile.config.js file inside gulpfile.js folder to manage your configs.
Gulpconfig.json file contains settings and variables used by the Gulp to perform the tasks.
Setting | Option Type | Option Value | Usage |
MODE | Boolean | true/false | Turn Development mode on and off |
COMPRESSION | Boolean | true/false | Enable/Disable assets minification while compilation. |
JSBUILD | String | webpack | concat | Controls how your theme's custom JavaScript files will be compiled. |
There are more options that can be tweaked inside gulpconfig.json feel free to check them out.
Manage the development or production mode of your theme.
MODE: String ("development|production")
Enable or disable this setting to enable compression for your CSS & JS files.
Controls how your theme's custom JavaScript files will be compiled.
JUSBUILD: String ("concat|webpack")
- "webpack" lets you use ES6 modules style building with webpack. You can edit your webpack configuration using gulpfile.js/webpack.config.js file. Create all your custom modules in the modules directory found at src/js/modules and use them in src/js/scripts.bundle.js file. Output file name will be scripts.bundle.min.js.
- With "concat" option all your scripts inside src/js/scripts directory will be concated with the src/js/scripts.js file. Output file name will be scripts.js.
Use available node modules via npm while writing your scripts using webpack.
You can create your custom modules inside src/js/modules and use them in src/js/scripts.bundle.js file. Make sure to set JSBUILD to webpack inside your gulpfile.config.js file.
{ JUSBUILD: "webpack" }
Manage your webpack configration via webpack.config.js inside gulpfile.js folder.
- Create your individual JS functions files inside src/js/scripts folder.
- You can these functions inside src/js/scripts.js file.
- All the *.js files inside src/js/scripts folder will be concatenated on the top of each other and finally concatenated with src/js/scripts.js file.
- Concatenated file will then be transpiled by babel and placed inside assets/js/scripts.js.
Manage your babel config by editing babel.config.json file in the root of your application.
NPM Command | Usage |
npm run serve | To compile your SCSS, JS, Minify Images and start a development server. Watch for changes in .js, .scss, .php files. |
npm run build | Creats a production distributable folder of your theme. |
npm run devbuild | Creats a development distributable folder of your theme. Along with yout PHP theme files this version contains all your src and gulpfile.js and other settings files. |
Gulp Command | Usage |
gulp serve | To compile your SCSS, JS, Minify Images and start a development server. Watch for changes in .js, .scss, .php files. |
gulp build | Creats a production distributable folder of your HTML template. |
gulp devbuild | Creats a development distributable folder of your HTML template along with the src folder. |
gulp minify | Minify all CSS and JS files inside assets folder. |
gulp scss | Compiles your scss files to assets/css folder. |
gulp scripts | Compiles your JS files to assets/js folder. |