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A web-app for a license plate word game, using the Aurelia framework

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This is a web-app for a license-plate word game.
This was built with the Aurelia application framework.

Here is a development deployment.
This server may be sleeping, in which case it will take 20 seconds to restart.

Install and Build

You must have node.js v14+ installed.
Then use git to get a copy of this repo,
and install and build in the normal way...

npm install
npm run build

You may run the dummy-server locally so you can work with the web-app.

npm run start-server

The actual game server is under development and is not open source.
Note that the dummy-server only provides data of the proper type for a given context, but it doesn't actually provide answers.


This video shows an example puzzle session:

Game Rules

  • Words must contain the original three characters, in the order in which they were given.
  • Words may consist of only letters.
    Punctuation is not supported yet.
    For example, words such as "don't", "check-in", or "full moon" are not accepted as answers.
  • Words may only be single words, and not compounds.
  • Words may be up to 15 characters long.
    Longer words are not supported due to UI contraints.

Game Features

  • The server only provides puzzles with known answers.
  • All puzzles are graded for difficulty.
  • The server provides simple puzzles, until directed by the web-app to provide more difficult ones.
  • The server is stateless.
  • The server doesn't track the user.
  • The web-app doesn't collect any user data, and doesn't use cookies.

Web-App Features

  • The web-app uses a compact UI on a realistic license plate.
  • Character input supports normal key entry and navigation, along with drag-and-drop.
  • If the user attempts to delete one of the original three puzzle characters, the web-app prevents the change and signals the error with an animated color change.
    -The communication status with the server is shown in the top section of page.
    These messages time-out as appropriate.
  • The user may request a new game, optionally specifying the characters for the puzzle.
  • The user may request hints.
    Each hint randomly shows the pattern for a single known answer.
  • Recent answer results and hints are displayed in the bottom portion of the license plate, just below the main text input area.
    These messages time-out as appropriate.
  • Answers are listed in a separate view displayed over the same license plate image.
  • Answers are scored with Boggle and Scrabble scores.
  • The difficulty of the correct answers for the current puzzle is used to select the difficulty of the following puzzle.
  • A menu button (in the upper left) contains:
    • An about button that allows the user to pick a version of the web-app built with a different application framework.
      Currently there are four versions of this web-app, each built with a different framework.
      They are: plain HTML+CSS+JS (no framework), React JS, Vue.js, and this one with Aurelia.
      Of course, those other versions are in separate repos.
    • A feedback button allows the user to submit comments about the app.

Known Issues

  • The background doesn't display correctly on mobile devices.
  • Duplicate messages may be displayed in either message area.
  • The New Game Controls should display a completion message for a few seconds immediately after a new game is started.
  • There is no way for the user to contest a word.
  • Must add coding style management, such as TypeScript ESLint.


The basic architecture of the web-app is shown in the diagram below.
The diagram elements are linked to the code that is primarily responsible for that block -- so click on them!

NOTE: This diagram is rendered from a mermaid.js diagram text description embedded in this ReadMe.

graph TB
    subgraph web-app
    direction TB
    editor(Word<br>Editor) --> http
    editor --> Answers
    Answers --> answers_view(Answers<br>Viewer)
    puzzle[Current<br>Puzzle] --> editor
    current(Current Game<br>Controls) --> http
    new(Start New Game<br>Controls) --> http
    http --> sys_msgs[System Messages]
    editor --> game_msgs[Game Messages]

    http --> server((server))

    classDef data fill:#898,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    classDef server fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    classDef library fill:#ffb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    class data,puzzle,Answers,sys_msgs,game_msgs data
    class external,server server
    class library,http library
    %% code
    click editor ""
    click current ""
    click new ""
    click answers_view ""
    %% data types
    click puzzle ""
    click Answers ""
    click game_msgs ""
    click sys_msgs ""
    %% libraries
    click http ""


Legend for the styles used in the above diagram:

graph TB
    subgraph Legend
    direction LR
    ui(UI Element)
    data[data store]

    classDef data fill:#898,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    classDef server fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    classDef library fill:#ffb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    class data,puzzle,Answers,sys_msgs,game_msgs data
    class external,server server
    class library,http library

UI Components for the above Design Diagram


Since this was a project for me to learn Aurelia, I didn't get around to writing tests.

If this web-app winds up being something that I use for a production deployment, then I'll add appropriate tests. In the meantime, I'll revisit both the ReactJS and Vue.js web-apps, and I may even consider other frameworks, such as Svelte or Hyper-HTML. (I've used both Angular 1 and 2 in the past, and find them too complicated.)

Two main test categories

I like to divide tests into two groups:

  • those independent of the network
    These test all normal computation, and use mocks to test local code.
  • those that require the internet
    These may have dependencies on external services, which may fail.

I like test frameworks that support alternatives to pass/fail.
For example, mocha support skip(), which causes tests to show up in test results, but as not having been run.

So, what about Aurelia?

I really like the core idea of Aurelia: Use standard HTML + JavaScript!

  • HTML with bindings to JavaScript class variables.
  • Plain JavaScript with decorators.

No special languages required! Just standard HTML and standard JavaScript. No *.vue files, no *.jsx or *.tsx files.
And, as such, it supports TypeScript.

In practice, Aurelia works pretty well, but has a few shortcomings:

  • The documentation is incomplete.
    This also includes general information on the web, such as examples and Stack Overflow questions.
  • The TypeScript support is good, but not great.
    Errors in required filenames are not flagged. This can cause a fair bit of pain.
  • There appear to be only a few maintainers.
    The project moves along very slowly.
    This is the 3rd time I tried Aurelia! Both of the previous times, my project wound up dying due to tooling and documentation problems.
  • It's easy to confuse Aurelia v1 and v2 documentation.
    But this is also true of React JS and Vue.js, and probably even worse. Both have a number of complicating revisions and usage models.

An Aurelia Primer

I have a few notes about Aurelia here, so you don't have to comb through their documentation just to get started.

Like other frameworks, Aurelia supports making complex elements for a web-app by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this project, each component has one file for HTML, one for JavaScript, and possibly one for CSS. The components are in the src directory.

An Example of a Simple Aurelia Class

One of the simpler components is InProcessIndicator.
It displays an animated busy indicator, used while network requests are active.

Its HTML consists of an Aurelia-specific require element, which loads the CSS for the component, and a short set of HTML elements:

  <require from="./InProcessIndicator.css"></require>
  <div class="lds-ellipsis"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>

Each Aurelia component must have a JavaScript class with the name of the class.
For InProcessIndicator, there's no bound data or any functions, so this is a minimal Aurelia class:

export class InProcessIndicator {}

Other components can use InProcessIndicator by importing it using the Aurelia-specific require element, and then referencing the component name using the kebab-case form of the name:

  <require from="./InProcessIndicator"></require>

Binding Data and Actions to HTML

  • String Interpolation
    In AnswersPanel.html, the value of the total_answers_score class variable is inserted into HTML text.

    <div>...for a total score of ${total_answers_score} points.</div>    
  • Data Binding
    In AnswerRow.html, the value of the boggle_score property of its current_game class variable is bound to the boggle_score property of the contained AnswerScores component by using the Aurelia-specific bind modifier. And similarly for scrabble_score.

    <answer-scores boggle_score.bind="puzzle_answer.boggle_score" scrabble_score.bind="puzzle_answer.scrabble_score" ></answer-scores>

    And the AnswerScores.ts component accepts these data items by using Aurelia-specific @bindable decorators:

    export class AnswerScores {
      @bindable boggle_score: number
      @bindable scrabble_score: number
  • Action Binding
    In Banner.html, its openAboutPanel() function is bound to the click event for a button.

    <button click.delegate="openAboutPanel()">About...</button>
  • CSS binding
    In GameStatusMessagesSignboard.html, the value of the current_css_classes class variable is added to the CSS classes for the element, and the value of the color_style class variable is added to the CSS style.

    <span class.bind="current_css_classes" style.bind="color_style" >${message_text_line}</span>
  • Conditional inclusion of elements
    In AboutPanel.html, the div marked with the Aurelia-specific if.bind property is only added to the component if the about_panel_is_open class variable is true.

    <div if.bind="about_panel_is_open">
  • Repetition of elements
    In AnswerRow.html, the contents of the div marked with the Aurelia-specific repeat.for property is added once for each entry in its notes class variable. Observe that the syntax of repeat.for's value is:

    variable_scoped_to_HTML of variable_in_class

    Here the note variable is only visible within the contents of the div.

    <div repeat.for="note of notes" >
      <span class="score_tile note_span_tag">${note}</span>
  • State Communication
    This web-app uses the Aurelia-specific EventAggregator, which is a message service, similar to the Node.js EventEmitter.
    This allows communication of state change across arbitrary components, which is very helpful, and which I haven't figured out how to do in either ReactJS or Vue.js.

Hopefully, these notes will help you read most of the Aurelia specific code in this web-app.


A web-app for a license plate word game, using the Aurelia framework






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