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Cleanup name-binding structure for fresh evar name generation.
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We simply use a record and pack the rel and var substitutions in it. We also
properly compose variable substitutions.

Fixes coq#6534: Fresh variable generation in case of clash is buggy.
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ppedrot committed Jan 2, 2018
1 parent 2d6e395 commit ec23b8a
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107 changes: 69 additions & 38 deletions engine/
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Expand Up @@ -257,22 +257,6 @@ let make_pure_subst evi args =
* we have the property that u and phi(t) are convertible in env.

let csubst_subst (k, s) c =
(** Safe because this is a substitution *)
let c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c in
let rec subst n c = match Constr.kind c with
| Rel m ->
if m <= n then c
else if m - n <= k then EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Int.Map.find (k - m + n) s)
else mkRel (m - k)
| _ -> Constr.map_with_binders succ subst n c
let c = if k = 0 then c else subst 0 c in
EConstr.of_constr c

let subst2 subst vsubst c =
csubst_subst subst (EConstr.Vars.replace_vars vsubst c)

let next_ident_away id avoid =
let avoid id = Id.Set.mem id avoid in
next_ident_away_from id avoid
Expand All @@ -282,19 +266,67 @@ let next_name_away na avoid =
let id = match na with Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default_non_dependent_ident in
next_ident_away_from id avoid

type csubst = int * EConstr.t Int.Map.t
type csubst = {
csubst_len : int;
(** Cardinal of [csubst_rel] *)
csubst_var : Constr.t Id.Map.t;
(** A mapping of variables to variables. We use the more general
[Constr.t] to share allocations, but all values are of shape [Var _]. *)
csubst_rel : Constr.t Int.Map.t;
(** A contiguous mapping of integers to variables. Same remark for values. *)
(** This type represent a name substitution for the named and De Bruijn parts of
a environment.
Invariant: all identifiers in the codomain of [csubst_var] and [csubst_rel]
must be pairwise distinct. *)

let empty_csubst = {
csubst_len = 0;
csubst_rel = Int.Map.empty;
csubst_var = Id.Map.empty;

let empty_csubst = (0, Int.Map.empty)
let csubst_subst { csubst_len = k; csubst_var = v; csubst_rel = s } c =
(** Safe because this is a substitution *)
let c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c in
let rec subst n c = match Constr.kind c with
| Rel m ->
if m <= n then c
else if m - n <= k then Int.Map.find (k - m + n) s
else mkRel (m - k)
| Var id ->
begin try Id.Map.find id v with Not_found -> c end
| _ -> Constr.map_with_binders succ subst n c
let c = if k = 0 && Id.Map.is_empty v then c else subst 0 c in
EConstr.of_constr c

type ext_named_context =
csubst * (Id.t * EConstr.constr) list *
Id.Set.t * EConstr.named_context

let push_var id (n, s) =
let s = Int.Map.add n (EConstr.mkVar id) s in
(succ n, s)

let push_rel_decl_to_named_context sigma decl (subst, vsubst, avoid, nc) =
csubst * Id.Set.t * EConstr.named_context

let push_var id { csubst_len = n; csubst_var = v; csubst_rel = s } =
let s = Int.Map.add n (Constr.mkVar id) s in
{ csubst_len = succ n; csubst_var = v; csubst_rel = s }

(** Post-compose the substitution with the generator [src ↦ tgt] *)
let update_var src tgt { csubst_len = n; csubst_var = v; csubst_rel = s } =
let tgt = Constr.mkVar tgt in
let changed = ref false in
let map c = match Constr.kind c with
| Var id -> if Id.equal id src then let () = changed := true in tgt else c
| _ -> assert false
(** First look for identifier in the codomain of vars. Typically the map will
be small because most names are unchanged *)
let var = Id.Map.smartmap map v in
(** If not found, look in the codomain of rels. *)
let rel = if !changed then s else Int.Map.smartmap map s in
(** If still not found, it means the substitution was acting as the identity
on this particular identifier, so we need to add a key *)
let var = if !changed then var else Id.Map.add src tgt var in
{ csubst_len = n; csubst_var = var; csubst_rel = rel }

let push_rel_decl_to_named_context sigma decl (subst, avoid, nc) =
let open EConstr in
let open Vars in
let map_decl f d =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,18 +362,17 @@ let push_rel_decl_to_named_context sigma decl (subst, vsubst, avoid, nc) =
binding named [id], we will keep [id0] (the name given
by the user) and rename [id0] into [id] in the named
context. Unless [id] is a section variable. *)
let subst = (fst subst, (replace_vars [id0,mkVar id]) (snd subst)) in
let vsubst = (id0,mkVar id)::vsubst in
let d = decl |> NamedDecl.of_rel_decl (fun _ -> id0) |> map_decl (subst2 subst vsubst) in
let subst = update_var id0 id subst in
let d = decl |> NamedDecl.of_rel_decl (fun _ -> id0) |> map_decl (csubst_subst subst) in
let nc = (replace_var_named_declaration id0 id) nc in
(push_var id0 subst, vsubst, Id.Set.add id avoid, d :: nc)
(push_var id0 subst, Id.Set.add id avoid, d :: nc)
| _ ->
(* spiwack: if [id0] is a section variable renaming it is
incorrect. We revert to a less robust behaviour where
the new binder has name [id]. Which amounts to the same
behaviour than when [id=id0]. *)
let d = decl |> NamedDecl.of_rel_decl (fun _ -> id) |> map_decl (subst2 subst vsubst) in
(push_var id subst, vsubst, Id.Set.add id avoid, d :: nc)
let d = decl |> NamedDecl.of_rel_decl (fun _ -> id) |> map_decl (csubst_subst subst) in
(push_var id subst, Id.Set.add id avoid, d :: nc)

let push_rel_context_to_named_context env sigma typ =
(* compute the instances relative to the named context and rel_context *)
Expand All @@ -350,17 +381,17 @@ let push_rel_context_to_named_context env sigma typ =
let ids = get_id (named_context env) in
let inst_vars = mkVar ids in
if List.is_empty (Environ.rel_context env) then
(named_context_val env, typ, inst_vars, empty_csubst, [])
(named_context_val env, typ, inst_vars, empty_csubst)
let avoid = List.fold_right Id.Set.add ids Id.Set.empty in
let inst_rels = List.rev (rel_list 0 (nb_rel env)) in
(* move the rel context to a named context and extend the named instance *)
(* with vars of the rel context *)
(* We do keep the instances corresponding to local definition (see above) *)
let (subst, vsubst, _, env) =
let (subst, _, env) =
Context.Rel.fold_outside (fun d acc -> push_rel_decl_to_named_context sigma d acc)
(rel_context env) ~init:(empty_csubst, [], avoid, named_context env) in
(val_of_named_context env, subst2 subst vsubst typ, inst_rels@inst_vars, subst, vsubst)
(rel_context env) ~init:(empty_csubst, avoid, named_context env) in
(val_of_named_context env, csubst_subst subst typ, inst_rels@inst_vars, subst)

* Entry points to define new evars *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,8 +456,8 @@ let new_evar_from_context sign evd ?src ?filter ?candidates ?store ?naming ?prin
(* [new_evar] declares a new existential in an env env with type typ *)
(* Converting the env into the sign of the evar to define *)
let new_evar env evd ?src ?filter ?candidates ?store ?naming ?principal typ =
let sign,typ',instance,subst,vsubst = push_rel_context_to_named_context env evd typ in
let map c = subst2 subst vsubst c in
let sign,typ',instance,subst = push_rel_context_to_named_context env evd typ in
let map c = csubst_subst subst c in
let candidates = (fun l -> map l) candidates in
let instance =
match filter with
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions engine/evarutil.mli
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Expand Up @@ -222,14 +222,13 @@ val empty_csubst : csubst
val csubst_subst : csubst -> constr -> constr

type ext_named_context =
csubst * (Id.t * constr) list *
Id.Set.t * named_context
csubst * Id.Set.t * named_context

val push_rel_decl_to_named_context :
evar_map -> rel_declaration -> ext_named_context -> ext_named_context

val push_rel_context_to_named_context : Environ.env -> evar_map -> types ->
named_context_val * types * constr list * csubst * (Id.t*constr) list
named_context_val * types * constr list * csubst

val generalize_evar_over_rels : evar_map -> existential -> types * constr list

Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions pretyping/
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let get_extra env sigma =
let ids = get_id (named_context env) in
let avoid = List.fold_right Id.Set.add ids Id.Set.empty in
Context.Rel.fold_outside (fun d acc -> push_rel_decl_to_named_context sigma d acc)
(rel_context env) ~init:(empty_csubst, [], avoid, named_context env)
(rel_context env) ~init:(empty_csubst, avoid, named_context env)

let make_env env sigma = { env = env; extra = lazy (get_extra env sigma) }
let rel_context env = rel_context env.env
Expand All @@ -90,12 +90,11 @@ let push_rel_context sigma ctx env = {
let lookup_named id env = lookup_named id env.env

let e_new_evar env evdref ?src ?naming typ =
let subst2 subst vsubst c = csubst_subst subst (replace_vars vsubst c) in
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let inst_vars = (get_id %> mkVar) (named_context env.env) in
let inst_rels = List.rev (rel_list 0 (nb_rel env.env)) in
let (subst, vsubst, _, nc) = Lazy.force env.extra in
let typ' = subst2 subst vsubst typ in
let (subst, _, nc) = Lazy.force env.extra in
let typ' = csubst_subst subst typ in
let instance = inst_rels @ inst_vars in
let sign = val_of_named_context nc in
let sigma = !evdref in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tactics/
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Expand Up @@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ let _ =
Hook.set Typeclasses.solve_all_instances_hook solve_inst

let resolve_one_typeclass env ?(sigma=Evd.empty) gl unique =
let nc, gl, subst, _, _ = Evarutil.push_rel_context_to_named_context env sigma gl in
let nc, gl, subst, _ = Evarutil.push_rel_context_to_named_context env sigma gl in
let (gl,t,sigma) =
Goal.V82.mk_goal sigma nc gl Store.empty in
let (ev, _) = destEvar sigma t in
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/bugs/closed/6534.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Goal forall x : nat, x = x.
intros x.
refine ((fun x x => _ tt) tt tt).
let t := match goal with [ |- ?P ] => P end in
let _ := type of t in

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