Download OBS:
The first part of the trick is using Youtube HLS instead of Default RTMP Stream Key.
The second part of the trick is using Stream Key instead of Recommended "Login into Youtube's"
The third part of the trick is using Youtube HLS in the OBS. It is actually supported!
The final part of the trick is recording screen in 1080p 60 fps and broadcasting it to Youtube in 4K by manually setting resolution in Youtube's Stream Key.
Open Youtube's Go Live:
Streaming protocol: HLS (Advanced)
Turn on manual settings: Yes
Resolution: Resolution: 4k (30Mbps)
Turn on 60 fps option: yes
OBS - Settings - Output - Streaming:
Video Bitrate: 30000Kbps
Audio Bitrate: 160Kbps
The youtube's video will have video options above 1080p: 1440p and 4K
But that's just streaming resolution, not the recording resolution your computer will record.
OBS - Settings - Video: Base canvas resolution: 1920x1080 Common FPS value: 60
I prefer to use CTRL + ALT + A
to start and stop the stream.
OBS Sources: Game Capture + Application Audio Capture
OBS Plugins: win-capture-audio v2.2.3-beta
Always remember to launch OBS on the same dedicated GPU on which your game is running.
Do not use integrated video card unless you can run Stream/record and game on it at the same time.
If you will try, to run OBS and Game on different GPUs - Source: Game Capture will see and record only black screen.
If you see black screen in the OBS preview: Try to fullscreen the game and move around the menu of the game to initialize the OBS preview.
Game capture is part of OBS software installation.
This is a OBS plugin and is not part of OBS itself.
Even if the stream is over, the video is segmented and need to be downloaded and merged into single video.
yt-dlp.exe "
"C:\Users\Windows10\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steam\Company of Heroes.url"
REM START /min "" "steam://rungameid/228200"
REM Did not work at all: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch\RelicCOH.exe"
set processName=RelicCOH.exe
tasklist /fi "imagename eq %processName%" 2>NUL | find /i "%processName%" >NUL
if not errorlevel 1 goto found
echo Waiting for %processName% to appear...
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >NUL
goto loop
echo %processName% process found.
explorer ""
timeout /t 30
REM --minimize-to-try does not work on windows, you have to manually set global settings to start OBS in minimized/try mode.
cd "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\"
START /MIN "" "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe" --minimize-to-try --startstreaming
Final settings:
Youtube: RTMP Stream Key 4K and 60FPS
OBS Settings - Stream - Service: Youtube RTMP with Stream Key OBS Settings - Stream - Service - Server: Primary Youtube ingest server
OBS Settings - Output - Video: 30000kbps OBS Settings - Output - Audio: 160kbps
OBS Settings - Video - Base (Canvas) Resolution: 1920x1080 OBS Settings - Video - Common FPS values: 60FPS
OBS - Source - Game Capture - Hook rate: Fastest