MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow v2.0.0
As part of this release we had 25 issues closed.
Breaking Changes
- #99 Add Overlay Brushes as resource
- #94 Close button is unthemed
- #93 Update MahApps Resources
- #92 MahApps Resources are renamed
- #82 Road to 2.0
- #80 Drop targeting to framework .Net 4.0
- #78 NuGet package version 1.5.0 compatibility issue with MahApps.Metro 2.0.0-alpha00x when targeting .NET 4.7.2
- #76 Strong-Naming again...
- #113 doesn't work normal with MaterialDesignThemes.MahApps
- #97 (GH-72) Fix Exception when using WebBrowser Control
- #96 (GH-74) Fix ChildWindow moving issue
- #90 Trying to call mahapps ShowMessageAsync() from SimpleChildWindow causes exception
- #75 Child window positioning issue
- #74 ChildWindow moving issue
- #72 Exception using WebBrowser Control
- #119 Use async / await and change zIndex in ChildWindow's preview mouse down method
- #106 Add TargetFramework .NET Core 3.1
Feature Requests
- #104 Added two new DepencyProperties to control ChildWindow position
- #103 ChildWindow position when it appears.
- #102 .NET Core 3.0
- #100 (GH-84) Introduce new ClosedBy property with a close reason enumeration
- #98 The default OverlayBrushes should be shipped with the libary
- #91 Passing ChildWindowResult back on close button pressed
- #84 CloseEvent
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow