released this
20 Jul 13:00
New features
A new pyro.contrib.epidemiology module for discrete-state discrete-time stochastic compartmental models. #2426
New tutorials on:
New transforms and normalizing flows:
New distributions:
Improvements to MCMC:
Improvements to SMC:
systematic resampling #2488
resampling based on effective sample size (ESS) #2486
A new SplitReparam allows different inference strategies to apply to different parts of a tensor random variable.
A new initialization strategy init_to_generated .
A RandomVariable container class to support method chaining syntax for transforming distributions #2448
Bug fixes
Support sequential plates in RenyiELBO #2541
Fixes to AffineAutogregressive
Fixes to BatchNorm
Fixes to how some transforms handle parameters #2544
Fixes to reraising logic that clean up error reporting during inference #2494
many other fixes to documentation and code
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