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A plugin that allows users to request data that is not published yet


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A custom CKAN extension for Data.Qld


Local environment setup

  • Make sure that you have latest versions of all required software installed:
  • Make sure that all local web development services are shut down (Apache/Nginx, Mysql, MAMP etc).
  • Checkout project repository (in one of the supported Docker directories).
  • pygmy up
  • ahoy build

Use admin/password to login to CKAN.

Available ahoy commands

Run each command as ahoy <command>.

 build        Build or rebuild project.
 clean        Remove containers and all build files.
 cli          Start a shell inside CLI container or run a command.
 doctor       Find problems with current project setup.
 down         Stop Docker containers and remove container, images, volumes and networks.
 flush-redis  Flush Redis cache.
 info         Print information about this project.
 install-site Install a site.
 lint         Lint code.
 logs         Show Docker logs.
 pull         Pull latest docker images.
 reset        Reset environment: remove containers, all build, manually created and Drupal-Dev files.
 restart      Restart all stopped and running Docker containers.
 start        Start existing Docker containers.
 stop         Stop running Docker containers.
 test-bdd     Run BDD tests.
 test-unit    Run unit tests.
 up           Build and start Docker containers.

Coding standards

Python code linting uses flake8 with configuration captured in .flake8 file.

Set ALLOW_LINT_FAIL=1 in .env to allow lint failures.

Nose tests

ahoy test-unit

Set ALLOW_UNIT_FAIL=1 in .env to allow unit test failures.

Behavioral tests

ahoy test-bdd

Set ALLOW_BDD_FAIL=1 in .env to allow BDD test failures.

How it works

We are using Behave BDD framework with additional step definitions provided by Behaving library.

Custom steps described in test/features/steps/

Test scenarios located in test/features/*.feature files.

Test environment configuration is located in test/features/ and is setup to connect to a remote Chrome instance running in a separate Docker container.

During the test, Behaving passes connection information to Splinter which instantiates WebDriver object and establishes connection with Chrome instance. All further communications with Chrome are handled through this driver, but in a developer-friendly way.

For a list of supported step-definitions, see

Automated builds (Continuous Integration)

In software engineering, continuous integration (CI) is the practice of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day. Before feature changes can be merged into a shared mainline, a complete build must run and pass all tests on CI server.

This project uses Circle CI as a CI server: it imports production backups into fully built codebase and runs code linting and tests. When tests pass, a deployment process is triggered for nominated branches (usually, master and develop).

Add [skip ci] to the commit subject to skip CI build. Useful for documentation changes.


Circle CI supports shell access to the build for 120 minutes after the build is finished when the build is started with SSH support. Use "Rerun job with SSH" button in Circle CI UI to start build with SSH support.


update_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to update a data request. The function checks the access rights of the user before updating the data request. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized exception will be risen

In addition, you should note that the parameters will be checked and an exception (ValidationError) will be risen if some of these parameters are not valid.

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): the ID of the datarequest to be updated
  • title (string): the updated title of the data request
  • description (string): a updated brief description for your data request
  • organization_id (string): The ID of the organization you want to asign the data request (optional).

A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed, followers).

list_datarequests(context, data_dict)

Returns a list with the existing data requests. Rights access will be checked before returning the results. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized exception will be risen

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • organization_id (string) (optional): to filter the result by organization
  • user_id (string) (optional): to filter the result by user
  • closed (string) (optional): to filter the result by state (True: Closed, False: Open)
  • offset (int) (optional) (default 0): the first element to be returned
  • limit (int) (optional) (default 10): The max number of data requests to be returned
  • q (string) (optional): to filter the result using a free-text.
  • sort (string) (optional) (default asc): desc to order data requests in a descending way. asc to order data requests in an ascending way.

A dict with three fields: result (a list of data requests), facets (a list of the facets that can be used) and count (the total number of existing data requests)

delete_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to delete a new data request. The function checks the access rights of the user before deleting the data request. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized exception will be risen.

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): the ID of the datarequest to be deleted

A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed, followers).

close_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to close a data request. Access rights will be checked before closing the data request. If the user is not allowed, a NotAuthorized exception will be risen

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): the ID of the datarequest to be closed
  • accepted_dataset (string): The ID of the dataset accepted as solution for the data request

A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed, followers).

comment_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to create a comment in a data request. Access rights will be checked before creating the comment and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to create the comment

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • datarequest_id (string): the ID of the datarequest to be commented
  • comment (string): The comment to be added to the data request

A dict with the data request comment (id, user_id, datarequest_id, time and comment)

show_datarequest_comment(context, data_dict)

Action to retrieve a comment. Access rights will be checked before getting the comment and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to get the comment

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): The ID of the comment to be retrieved

A dict with the following fields: id, user_id, datarequest_id, time and comment

list_datarequest_comments(context, data_dict)

Action to retrieve all the comments of a data request. Access rights will be checked before getting the comments and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to read the comments

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • datarequest_id (string): The ID of the datarequest whose comments want to be retrieved
  • sort (string) (optional) (default asc): desc to order comments in a descending way. asc to order comments in an ascending way.

A list with all the comments of a data request. Every comment is a dict with the following fields: id, user_id, datarequest_id, time and comment

update_datarequest_comment(context, data_dict)

Action to update a comment of a data request. Access rights will be checked before updating the comment and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to update the comment

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): The ID of the comment to be updated
  • comment (string): The new comment

A dict with the data request comment (id, user_id, datarequest_id, time and comment)

delete_datarequest_comment(context, data_dict)

Action to delete a comment of a data request. Access rights will be checked before deleting the comment and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to delete the comment

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): The ID of the comment to be deleted

A dict with the data request comment (id, user_id, datarequest_id, time and comment)

follow_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to follow a data request. Access rights will be cheked before following a datarequest and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to follow the given datarequest. ValidationError will be risen if the datarequest ID is not included or if the user is already following the datarequest. ObjectNotFound will be risen if the given datarequest does not exist.

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): The ID of the datarequest to be followed


unfollow_datarequest(context, data_dict)

Action to unfollow a data request. Access rights will be cheked before unfollowing a datarequest and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not allowed to unfollow the given datarequest. ValidationError will be risen if the datarequest ID is not included in the request. ObjectNotFound will be risen if the user is not following the given datarequest.

Parameters (included in data_dict):
  • id (string): The ID of the datarequest to be unfollowed



Install this extension in your CKAN instance is as easy as installing any other CKAN extension.

  • Activate your virtual environment
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
  • Install the extension
pip install 'git+'

Note: If you prefer, you can download the source code as well and install in 'develop' mode for easy editing. To do so, use the '-e' flag:

pip install -e 'git+'
  • Modify your configuration file (generally in /etc/ckan/default/production.ini) and add datarequests in the ckan.plugins property.
ckan.plugins = datarequests <OTHER_PLUGINS>
  • Enable or disable the comments system by setting up the ckan.datarequests.comments property in the configuration file (by default, the comments system is enabled).
ckan.datarequests.comments = [true|false]
  • Enable or disable a badge to show the number of data requests in the menu by setting up the ckan.datarequests.show_datarequests_badge property in the configuration file (by default, the badge is not shown).
ckan.datarequests.show_datarequests_badge = [true|false]
  • Enable or disable description as a required field on data request forms. False by default
ckan.datarequests.description_required = [True|False]
  • Adjust notification settings if needed.
# Whether notifications go to all affected organisation members, or just admins
# Whether notifications are sent when a data request is updated
  • Update the database schema
ckan -c <config> datarequests init_db
ckan -c <config> datarequests update_db
  • Restart your apache2 reserver
sudo service apache2 restart
  • That's All!


Help us to translate this extension so everyone can create data requests. Currently, the extension is translated to English, Spanish, German, French, Somali, Romanian and Brazilian Portuguese. If you want to contribute with your translation, the first step is to clone this repo and move to the develop branch. Then, create the locale for your translation by executing:

python init_catalog -l <YOUR_LOCALE>

This will generate a file called i18n/YOUR_LOCALE/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-datarequests.po. This file contains all the untranslated strings. You can manually add a translation for it by editing the msgstr section:

msgid "This is an untranslated string"
msgstr "This is a itranslated string"

Once the translation files (po) have been updated, compile them by running:

python compile_catalog

This will generate the required mo file. Once this file has been generated, commit your changes and create a Pull Request (to the develop branch).


This sofware contains a set of test to detect errors and failures. You can run this tests by running the following command (this command will generate coverage reports):

python nosetests

Note: The test.ini file contains a link to the CKAN test-core.ini file. You will need to change that link to the real path of the file in your system (generally /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/test-core.ini).

Note 2: When creating a PR that includes code changes, please, ensure your new code is tested. No PR will be merged until the Travis CI system marks it as valid.



  • New: French translations (thanks to @bobeal)
  • New: Romanian translations (thanks to @costibleotu)
  • New: Option to force users to introduce a request description (thanks to @MarkCalvert)
  • Fix: Documentation fixes (thanks to @nykc)
  • Fix: Datarequests creation and closing times displayed incorrectly (thanks to @iamarnavgarg)


  • New: Compatibility with CKAN 2.8.0
  • New: Somali translation (thanks to @SimuliChina)


  • New: Option to follow data requests.
  • New: Email notifications:
    • An email will be sent to organization staff when a data request is created in a organization.
    • An email will be sent to followers, people that commented, datarequest creator and organization staff when a comment in a datarequest is created.
    • An email will be sent to followers, people that commented, datarequest creator and organization staff when a data request is closed.
  • New: Major API changes:
    • datarequest_create ➡️ create_datarequest
    • datarequest_show ➡️ show_datarequest
    • datarequest_update ➡️ update_datarequest
    • datarequest_index ➡️ list_datarequests
    • datarequest_delete ➡️ delete_datarequest
    • datarequest_close ➡️ close_datarequest
    • datarequest_comment ➡️ comment_datarequest
    • datarequest_comment_show ➡️ show_datarequest_comment
    • datarequest_comment_list ➡️ list_datarequest_comments
    • datarequest_comment_update ➡️ update_datarequest_comment
    • datarequest_comment_delete ➡️ delete_datarequest_comment


  • New: Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to @allysonbarros)


  • New: Move CI to Travis
  • New: Compatibility with CKAN 2.7 (controller adapted by @owl17)


  • New: German Translation (thanks to @kvlahrosch)


A plugin that allows users to request data that is not published yet







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  • Python 76.1%
  • HTML 10.1%
  • Gherkin 6.1%
  • Shell 6.0%
  • Other 1.7%