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2.1 | How to build and run (Linux)

Rácz Zalán edited this page Nov 25, 2023 · 2 revisions
  1. Open the Terminal

  2. Install VS Code

    snap install --classic code
  3. Install npm

    sudo apt install npm
  4. Install git

    sudo apt install git
  5. Install the JRE

    sudo apt install default-jre
  6. Clone the repository

    git clone
  7. Go inside the repository's root folder

    cd WebGL-GLSL-Editor
  8. Install dependencies

    npm install
  9. Generate code

    npm run compile-antlr-linux

    You have to generate code again, every time you change the AntlrGlslLexer.g4, or the AntlrGlslParser.g4 files.

  10. Open the repository's root folder in VS Code

    code .

    When VS Code opens, it'll suggest you install the recommended extensions. They're all useful, but TypeScript + Webpack Problem Matchers is required, without it, you won't be able to run the extension.

  11. Press F5, to run the extension.

    In the Run and Debug tab, you can choose between the desktop and the web version.

    By running the run-in-browser script, you can try the web extension in an actual browser.