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Table of contents

  • Features
  • Installation
    • Prerequisities
    • Commands
    • Resources
  • Usage
  • Contributing
  • Credits
  • License


  • Express app optimized to make better APIs
    • Changed structure to fit the API only use case
    • Removed view and public folder
    • Added error handling without html/templating engines
    • Added test route to understand the file structure and code splitting
  • Database connection using mongoose, based on environment (production ready)
  • Environment variable to help you control the app environment using dotenv
  • Swagger for API documentation
  • Pre-configured husky to run eslint and prettier on precommit hook, helps maintain best practices
  • Automatic versioning for apps on git push, using yarn
  • Tests pre-configured using mocha and chai



  • yarn
  • nodejs
  • mongodb local server or remote server url

Follow these steps to get your app up and running within minutes

  • Click on Use this template, create your repo and clone it into your local machine
  • Upgrade all the dependencies and their version
    yarn upgrade --latest
  • Install all the dependencies
    yarn install
  • Add .env file and copy variables from .env.sample file, add your own values
    touch .env
    cp .env.sample .env
  • Replace your_app_name in ./bin/www and package.json, essentially you might want to customise the package.json
  • Run the app
    yarn start
  • Go to localhost:<your_port> or localhost:3000
  • You can check the api documentation here - localhost:<your_port>/swagger/api-docs or localhost:3000/swagger/api-docs


  • To start the app
    yarn start
  • To test the app
    yarn test
  • To publish/push to github
    yarn release:[patch|minor|major]
    • use patch: when your are fixing an issue with is very small and doesn't make major changes in logic and structure of the code.
    • use minor: when you add/update any feature and update the logic of the code.
    • use major: when a major change is being released, something that is going to make a difference.



After you have the project up and running you can play around with almost any file.

  • Customize ./src/docs/swagger.yml file - pre development, during development or post development
  • Update the .eslintrc, .prettierrc, .prettierignore and .lint-staged.config.js file based on your usecase and company policies
  • Add/remove variables into .env or .env.sample
  • Remove ./docs and ./_config.yml if you don't want to use ghpages


Please make use of the ISSUE_TEMPLATES for opening issues and making PRs


This project was bootstraped by @rajchandra3.
For contributions please feel free to make a PR.


Apache 2.0


A ticketing system







No releases published


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