Clone the code from my account and if your are using linux and lampp stack then copy the folder to the htdocs. Create 2 databases using phpmyadmim name of the database should be details and placement and import the code from the Databases folder, there are two files in total on Revised.sql and Skeleton Database.sql . You can pick any of the codes for importing into databases.
Most of the php codes are written in the Object Oriented way , but if anybody want to be in procedural way can change the $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root","", "details"); "details " is the name of the database, and there is no password in my lammp stack.But if you have replace with your own password.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- PHP (Backend Database Functions) version .
- MySQL (Database)
- Bootstrap
- Google Maps Api
- Jquery
- Ajax
- Visual Studio 2018 (PHP Tools Installed)
- Visual Studio Code (All Files Editing)
- XAMPP (Apache Server and MySQL)
- LAMPP (Linux Apache and MySQL)
- Atom Editor
- Atom Editor is Used Just to Edit the Code and To Test the PHP files We need to Use Apache Server and The Source Code Local Repo Must be in the XAMPP>htdocs>www folder
- Student
- Principal
- PLacement
- Master Homepage
- Drives Homepage
It Contains the Profile Update and The Form to Update the Biodata of a Student which is Later Fed to the HODs Profile for the Verification
The Responsibility of HOD is to Verify the Details of the Student and He can Update the Notification Messages
Principal Can Use Query tab to get almost all the Information He needs about a Student, Department and Overall Campus Drive Status
Placement Officier can have the authority to UPdate the drive, register the student for the drive and Querying the Database. The Master Access is given to Placement Management
It is the Main Homepage where the Links to all the Different Logins Contain along with a link to the Drives Homepage
This Page is for the Visitors to Look at the Current Placement Drives News and Other things.